Required Product Version
This article applies to Barracuda ArchiveOne version 7.2 or higher.
For information on troubleshooting replication issues, see the Microsoft Support article How to diagnose Active Directory replication failures.
When you complete the ArchiveOne installation, warnings regarding ArchiveOne service account replication and/or ArchiveOne users security group replication may display on the final stage of the installer. These issues will not necessarily cause a problem for your ArchiveOne installation. However, if during the ArchiveOne Service startup a connection is made to a domain controller (DC) to which replication was unsuccessful, the service startup will initially fail. If your Active Directory (AD) is correctly configured, replication should occur after a period of time and the issue should resolve itself.
One or more of the following errors may display:
The following domain controllers were not updated within the allowed time:
The ArchiveOne installer waits up to five minutes for replication of the service account and/or security groups to occur. If the DC responds, but the service account and/or security group has not been replicated within the five minutes, the DC is listed as timed out on replication.
The following domain controllers could not be contacted:
If the ArchiveOne installer cannot connect to a DC in the same AD site as the Archive server, it is listed as uncontactable. Ensure that the named DC is online and accessible from the Archive server.
The replication of the service account to all domain controllers was skipped by the user before completion
When the installer is running the service account and security group configuration, you can manually choose to skip the replication step, for example, if you do not want to wait for replication to occur.