This article applies to Barracuda ArchiveOne version 7.3 and higher.
When upgrading to ArchiveOne version 7.3, the ArchiveOne installer performs a number of licence checks to ensure suitability. You may receive one of the following error messages:
- The licence in use by the ArchiveOne installation that you are upgrading is not suitable for use by the upgraded system.
- The ArchiveOne installed license has a Version Assurance date of X whereas this product version requires at least 11/2016.
Configuration Server Name Incorrect
If you are upgrading the ArchiveOne Services component and the current Configuration Server is a machine other than the Archive server, the installer migrates the Add-ins share to the Archive server and makes it the Configuration server. In order to do this, the change in Configuration server must be permitted by your licence key. The installer confirms that the current licence key has [Any] specified for the Configuration server. If it does not, a warning message displays noting that your licence is unsuitable. Contact the Licensing Team at and request an update to your licence key.
Expired Version Assurance
If you are upgrading ArchiveOne and your version assurance date is prior to November 2016, the upgrade is refused. If you have not renewed your support maintenance and it has expired, contact the Sales team at If you have a valid support contract, but need a copy of your latest licence key, contact the Licensing Team at for assistance.