You are attempting to retrieve or unarchive a message, but the operation failed. Checking the ArchiveOne service tracing, you see:
05 15:17:54 455386 CAMComplianceServer::GetMessageToFolder called for '0013ad_3cx.cmsg' in 'D:\Repositories\Year_2017\Archive\1\'
05 15:17:54 497689 EnsureFolderExists called for 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\ARCHIVEONE_PUnzipTemp_1a8c'
05 15:17:54 500566 UNZIP ZipFilename=[D:\Repositories\Year_2017\Archive\1\]
05 15:17:54 502859 UNZIP tempdir=[C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\ARCHIVEONE_PUnzipTemp_1a8c]
05 15:17:54 505008 UNZIP QuotedFilename=[0013ad_3cx.cmsg]
05 15:17:54 507347 *** INFO:unzipping file 'D:\Repositories\Year_2017\Archive\1\' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\ARCHIVEONE_PUnzipTemp_1a8c'
05 15:17:54 541494 CMessage::ReadNoPopulate Got an CArchiveException with file name'' and cause 3
05 15:17:54 544006 Attempted to access an unnamed file past its end.
Error code 3 indicates that the .zip file structure is invalid or corrupt, so the message cannot be extracted. ArchiveOne validates data as it is committed to the archive so the corruption has occurred at a later date. If you have an earlier backup of the .zip file in question, you can restore this backup copy as it may be prior to the corruption. It is recommended you run a disk check of the storage hosting the ArchiveOne repositories to detect and resolve and issues.