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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

Web Interface Backup and Restore Page

  • Last updated on

Backup archives (PAR files) can be created via the web interface, Barracuda Firewall Admin, or command line. To create or restore backups on the web interface, go to the Advanced > Backups page. Restoring a PAR file replaces the current configuration.

Create a Backup

Create a PAR file containing the current firewall configuration.

  1. Log into the web interface.
  2. Go to Advanced > Backups.
  3. In the Manual Backups section, click Create PAR file. The file downloads immediately.
  4. Save the file to your computer.

Restore from a Backup

  1. Log into the web interface.
  2. Go to Advanced > Backup.
  3. In the Restore Backups section, click Restore from PAR File. The Restore from PAR File window opens.
  4. Click Select PAR file, and select the backup file.
  5. Click Open. The backup process starts immediately. The firewall reboots and the login screen appears.

The firewall is now using the firewall configuration from the PAR file.