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License Definitions

  • Last updated on

This article describes the licensing definitions for Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup (CCB).

Note the following situations that require a CCB license. Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup licenses are licensed on a per-user basis, meaning that only one CCB license is required per user. 

Microsoft Exchange Online

  • Each user with an active Microsoft 365 paid plan for Exchange that you back up.
    • Shared mailboxes that do not hold a Microsoft 365 paid plan do not require a CCB license.
      • Microsoft requires a license for shared mailboxes larger than 50GB. As such, CCB also requires a license for any shared mailboxes over 50GB.
    • Shared mailboxes that hold a paid Microsoft 365 plan.
    • For EDU customers, students with a paid Microsoft 365 plan do not require a CCB license.
    • Archive mailboxes enabled on users with valid plan do not require a CCB license.

Microsoft OneDrive for Business

  • Each user with an active Microsoft/Office 365 paid plan for OneDrive that you backup.

Microsoft SharePoint Online

  • Each user in the Microsoft/Office 365 tenant that has been granted access to a SharePoint site that you back up.
  • Users external to the organization will be excluded from the backup.

Microsoft Teams

  • Each user in the Microsoft/Office 365 tenant that has been granted access to Microsoft Teams sites that you back up.
  • Users external to the organization will be excluded from the backup.

License Count and Billing

Barracuda Networks uses the Microsoft Entra ID of each account as the unique identifier to ensure that the correct number of licensed users are billed. 

Microsoft provides Cloud-to-Cloud Backup with a list of accounts in your tenant. If the account is enabled and Exchange is provisioned with an active Microsoft 365 paid plan for Exchange, that account is processed as a unique licensed mailbox.

Barracuda Networks uses a rolling 30-day billing cycle. If a licensed mailbox is backed up within the last 30 days, the mailbox is added to the total license count. If the 30-day period has passed and the mailbox is no longer being backed up, the mailbox is dropped from the total license count.