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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Task 3. Preparing Accounts

  • Last updated on

To prepare accounts in Autotask, perform the following steps.

  1. Hover over the Autotask icon campus task1.png, and then navigate to CRM, Accounts, as shown below.

    campus preparing.png
    The Account Search page is displayed.

    campus preparing1.png
  2. In the Account (Name/Number) field, type the account you are updating.
    The Account listings are displayed.

    campus create user2.png
  3. Click the account you want to update.
    The Account page is displayed.

    campus preparing3.png
  4. Click the Edit tab.
    The Edit Account page is displayed.

    campus preparing4.png
  5. Select the User Defined tab.
    The User Defined fields are displayed.

    campus preparing5.png
  6. At the Intronis Username field, type the Barracuda MSP user name for that account (in the above example, able_mfng is used), and then click Save & Close.
  7. Repeat the above steps for each account that has a Barracuda MSP user name.