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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Task 1. Creating an API User with Barracuda Tracking Identifier

  • Last updated on

To create an API user with Barracuda Tracking Identifier in Autotask, perform the following steps.

  1. Log into Autotask, hover over the Autotask icon campus task1.png,  and then navigate to Admin, Resources (Users), as shown below.

    campus task2.png
    The Resources page is displayed.

    campus task3.png
  2. Click the New button and select New API User from the drop-down menu, as shown below.

    campus task4.png
    The Add API User settings page is displayed.

    campus task5.png
  3. Provide the username, password, and email address for the new API user.

    The Autotask credentials should be for users with permissions to modify the Contract and Work Type for Projects and the Service Desk. For example, users with the standard System Administrator security level.

  4. From the Security Level drop-down menu select API User (system).
  5. At the General section, select the Generate Key and the Generate Secret buttons and copy the numbers to be used in the ECHOplatform Credentials task.
  6. At the API Tracking Identifier section, select the Integration Vendor radio button, and from the drop-down select Barracuda MSP – Barracuda MSP Managed Workplace.
  7. Click Save & Close.