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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

About the IBU Overview Dashboard

  • Last updated on

The IBU Overview dashboard allows you to do the following:

  • View Backup Status Icons

  • Access Barracuda MSP Support

  • Set and view Backups Finished times

  • Sort by Account Name, Failed Backups, and Running backups

  • Access Accounts and view status

  • Access the listed computer

The Overview dashboard is displayed below.

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Backup Status Icons

The following table provides a description of the Overview dashboard icons.



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The ratio below each percentage icon (highlighted below), represents the number of successful backups over the total number of backups that have completed. Therefore, if a backup is completed 3 times in the past 7 days, the count is reported as three.

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Select the Support button at the right to display the Barracuda MSP login on a new page.

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Backups Finished

The Backups Finished drop-down menu allows you to determine the period for which you want backup status reported. The incremental options are as follows:

  • 12 Hours

  • 24 Hours

  • 7 Days

The Finished Backups drop-down menu allows you to view by time increments as displayed below.

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Sort By Filter

The Sort By feature allows you to sort by:

  • Account Name

  • Number of backups that have failed.

  • Percentage of backups that have failed.

  • Number of backups that are currently running.

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Accounts View

The Accounts listing allows you to view account status.

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Account Details

Clicking the Account name or expand arrow displays the data associated with the account, as shown below.

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The following table provides a description of the columns displayed in the Account Details.




The status of each backup is represented by a status icon.

See Backup Status Icons above.


Includes all applicable reasons.

Started (Agent Local Time)

Displays start time date and time and represents the start time from the perspective of the agent running the backup.

Last Successful

Displays last successful backup date.


Displays number of completions.

Backup Set (Type)

Displays backup set name and type.

Computer (ID)

Displays computer name and ID. Links to the Computer Details page.

Computer ID

Clicking the Computer ID provides access to the account as shown below.

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