Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service
- Configure Directory Services
- Launch the Initial Setup Wizard
- Configure Journaling from Office 365 Mail Service
- Create and Configure an Office 365 Exchange Online Service Account
Step 1. Configure Directory Services
Google Directory Service integration is currently not supported for Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service.
You must configure LDAP or Azure AD for group expansion and user attributes in the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service.
Active Directory Limitations
Barracuda Networks does not support using default AD groups, such as Domain Users, when applying entitlements for user access. Due to limitations within AD, these groups may not contain all users or any users at all.
Verify User Status
Before adding users to the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service via your organization's LDAP servers, verify that users are enabled, are members of the domain, and that the mail attribute is set for each user.
Incoming Connections
To ensure uninterrupted access to LDAP server from the Barracuda Cloud, you must allow incoming connections from the following IP ranges:
Secure LDAP
Barracuda Networks recommends connecting your LDAP connection using SSL (LDAPS). As the information will be transmitted between Barracuda Networks' cloud servers and your Cloud email service, you must ensure that the connection is secure. Contact your IT Administrator if you need help setting up LDAPS in your network.
Use AD authentication to store and administer Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service user accounts via your organization's LDAP or Azure AD.
When you first set up the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service, a warning notice displays across the top of the web interface notifying you that you must configure AD through Barracuda Cloud Control and enable groups. Before you continue, you are required to either set up AD and wait for a sync to complete, or select to proceed without AD. Barracuda Networks strongly recommends setting up local AD.
Create a Barracuda Cloud Control Directory
- Go to Home > Admin > Directories.
- Click the Add Directory button.
- Select one of the following sections to add a new LDAP or Azure active directory.
Add a New LDAP Active Directory
- Select LDAP Active Directory.
- On the INFO tab, specify a new Directory Name.
Activate the Authentication option to have users authenticate using their LDAP credentials. If you disable this option, users authenticate with Barracuda Cloud Control.

- On the HOST tab, specify the following for the LDAP host:
LDAP Host IP address
LDAP Host Port – Use Port 389 for LDAP and LDAPTLS or Port 636 for LDAPS.
Base Domain Name (DN) – Any user or group that exists with the search base that will sync to Barracuda Networks. For example,
Bind DN – Enter the bind domain name for a service account with read permissions to the active directory.
Password – Password associated with the service account.
Connection Security – Select SSL, TLS, or None. For more information, see New Requirements for LDAP Authentication.
(Optional) To add additional servers, click Add LDAP Host.
- If your LDAP server uses a self-signed certificate, toggle on the Allow Self-Signed Certificate setting.
- Click TEST CONNECTION to check connectivity to the host. If the connection fails, verify your settings are correct and that you have allowed the Barracuda Networks IP in your firewall. Contact Barracuda Networks Technical Support for additional troubleshooting.
- If the connection succeeds, it displays as Connected. Click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- On the DOMAINS tab, add the domains associated with your users.
- For each domain that you add, click Verify and following the instructions to verify the domain.
- After each domain is verified, you can sync your users and groups to the Barracuda Cloud Control.
Add a New Azure Active Directory
- Select Azure Active Directory.
- On the INFO tab, specify a new Directory Name. For example, "Office 365".
- Click CONNECT TO MICROSOFT to sign into Microsoft and authorize Barracuda Cloud Control to connect to your Azure Active Directory account.
- Log in with your Office 365 administrator credentials.
- Accept the credentials for the application request.

Activate the Authentication option to have users authenticate using their Azure credentials. If you disable this option, users authenticate with Barracuda Cloud Control.
Barracuda Networks strongly recommends creating an additional administrator account using an independent domain that does not use Active Directory (AD) authentication. This allows you access to your Barracuda Networks product account if your AD server goes down or fails.
After you are redirected back to the Barracuda Cloud Control, click Save.
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Step 2. Launch the Initial Setup Wizard
- Click Archiver in the left pane. The initial setup wizard will run.
Click Next.
Click Verify to verify the directory service configuration in your Barracuda Cloud Control account.

Click Next.
- Verify that all the email domains you plan to archive are listed here. If there are any missing, add them now.
- Click Next.
(Optional) Specify a retention policy. Otherwise, click Next.
- Click Finish to apply your changes.
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Step 3. Configure Journaling from Office 365 Mail Service
Option 1. Configure Journaling from the Web Interface
- Go to the Mail Sources > SMTP Journaling page.
- Go to Journaling Setup Scripts > Office 365 Setup Script, and click Run Script.
- Follow the onscreen prompts to configure Office 365 to journal mail to the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service.
Option 2. Configure Journaling via Script
- Go to the Mail Sources > SMTP Journaling page.
- In the Journaling Setup Scripts > Office 365 Setup Script section, click Download to save the PowerShell script to your local system, or click Show Script to copy the script to your clipboard.
- Open Windows PowerShell, and run the script to configure Office 365 to journal mail to the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service.
If you are unable to run the journaling script and need to manually configure journaling, see Manually Configure Journaling.
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Step 4. Create and Configure an Office 365 Exchange Online Service Account
Microsoft Exchange Online
Microsoft Exchange Online message throttling policies set bandwidth limits and restrict the number of processed messages. Throttling is enabled by default in Microsoft Exchange Online. Currently you cannot set policies to disable throttling in Exchange Online; for details, refer to the Microsoft Outlook dev blog. Barracuda is working on a solution to provide this option in the future.
To import from Exchange Online using EWS, see How to Configure Microsoft Exchange Online Email Import Using EWS. If you are not using EWS, use the following instructions to import from Exchange Online.
Step 1. Connect to Office 365 Exchange Online
- Install Exchange Online module.
- If you have already installed Exchange Online module, proceed to the next step.
- To install Exchange Online module, open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and enter the following command:
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect to Exchange Online Powershell and log in with your Office 365 administrator account using the following command:
- After you connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, enter the following command:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited | Add-MailboxPermission -User <> -AccessRights fullaccess -InheritanceType all -Automapping $false
Permissions are assigned on existing mailboxes only; if additional mailboxes are added to your organization, you must rerun this command.
For more information on adding mailbox permissions, see Add-MailboxPermission in Microsoft TechNet. For information on testing mailbox rights, see Get-MailboxPermission in Microsoft TechNet.
Step 2. Import from Office 365 Exchange Online
To import from Exchange Online using EWS, see How to Configure Microsoft Exchange Online Email Import Using EWS. If you are not using EWS, use the following instructions to import from Exchange Online.
Log into the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service as the admin, and go to Mail Sources > Exchange Integration.
- Click Start New Action. In the Select Action page, click Email Import.
- In the Select Server page, click Add New Server.
- In the Add New Server dialog box, enter a Configuration Name, the email address for the service account and the service account password.
- Click Autodiscover.
If autodiscover is unable to identify your settings, use the steps in the following section, Manually Configure Settings.
Manually Configure Settings
Use the steps in this section only if autodiscover is unable to identify your settings as described above in the section Automatically Discover Settings.
Step 1. Manually Obtain Exchange Hostname Using PowerShell
Open Windows PowerShell, and connect to Office 365 Exchange Online.
Enter the following command, and then press Enter:
Get-Mailbox -Identity <username for service account> | Format-List ExchangeGuid, PrimarySMTPAddress
- To determine the Exchange Hostname, combine the
with the domain portion of the PrimarySMTPAddress
to form .
- To close out the remote PowerShell session, enter the following command, and then press Enter:
Step 2. Manually Configure Server Settings for Email Import
Log into the Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service as the admin, and go to Mail Sources > Exchange Integration.
- Click Start New Action. In the Select Action page, click Email Import.
- In the Select Server page, click Add New Server.
- In the Add New Server dialog, click Configure Manually; enter the Exchange details:
Configuration Name – Enter a name to identify the configuration.
Exchange Hostname – Enter the Exchange hostname from Step 1 Manually Obtain Exchange Hostname Using PowerShell.
Username – Enter the service account username.
Password – Enter the password associated with the username.
Exchange 2013 – Select Yes.
Advanced Options – In the Proxy Server field type
and leave the Global Catalog Server field blank.
- Click Save to add your configuration and close the dialog box.
In the Configure Action page, click Continue.
In the View Summary page, select All Users from the Source drop-down menu.
Specify the desired Date and Schedule settings. Click Continue.
- Verify the configuration settings in the View Summary page, and then click Submit to add the Email Import to the Scheduled Actions table.
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Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup
For more information, see the latest Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Version 3 for setup details.
Office 365 Exchange Online
See also: Cloud-to-Cloud Office 365 Exchange Online
Configure an Exchange Online Data Source
Use the following steps to set up Exchange Online backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- In the Status page, click Exchange Online:
- The Data Sources page displays. Click Add a Cloud Provider, and enter the following details:
- In the Cloud Provider description field, enter a name to represent the data source.
- From the Cloud Provider type drop-down menu, select Microsoft Office 365.
- Click Save.
- The Add a Cloud Data Source dialog box displays:
- From the Data Type drop-down menu, select Exchange Online:
Enter Your Office365 domain URL.
To locate the native domain name associated with your Office 365 account, log in to the Office 365 portal using an administrative account, and go to Management > domains . The native domain is listed in the domains table ending with .
Click Authorize.
If you are not currently logged into the Exchange Online account, the Microsoft login page displays. Enter your Exchange Online administrator login information, and then click Sign in.
- In the Exchange Online page, click Accept to authorize Barracuda to back up data from Exchange Online:
- The Edit Exchange Online page displays.
- Enter a name to identify the data source in the Data Description field.
- In the Add to schedule section, click the drop-down menu, and then click Add New:
- The Add New Schedule dialog box displays:
- Enter a name to represent the schedule, and click OK. The Edit Exchange Online page is updated with the new schedule name.
- Click Save. The Edit Backup Schedule page displays.
- In the Items to Back Up section, select individual items to back up, or click Apply to all computers and data sources for this Barracuda Backup Cloud Service to back up everything in Exchange Online.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the day you want the schedule to run.
- In the Daily Backup Timeline, specify the time of day the schedule is to run:
- Click Save. Exchange Online is backed up based on your data source and schedule settings.
Schedule an Exchange Online Backup
Use the following steps to schedule a backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- Go to Backup > Schedules.
- On the Schedules page, click Add a Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.
- Enter a name for your schedule in the Schedule name field:
- In the Identify the data sources section, select the data to be backed up using this schedule. You can select Select all or you can granularly select data down to a specific file or folder.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the days you want the schedule to run. If you are creating a one-time only backup schedule, deselect all days:
- In the Daily Backup Timeline section, enter a start time for your backup schedule. To repeat a backup schedule throughout a 24-hour period, select the Repeat option and specify the frequency of the backup and the end time. A backup schedule cannot span multiple days:
- Once you have configured your backup schedule, click Save.
- The backup schedule is now listed on the Schedules page and specifies the days and times that it is to run. To run a backup on-demand, click Run Backup Now, to edit the schedule click Edit, or to delete a schedule, click Remove:
Office 365 OneDrive for Business
See also: Cloud-to-Cloud Office 365 OneDrive for Business
Configure a OneDrive for Business Data Source
Use the following steps to set up OneDrive backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- In the Status page, click OneDrive for Business:
Data Sources Click Add a Cloud Provider, and enter the following details:
Cloud Provider description field, enter a name to represent the data source.
- From the Cloud Provider Type drop-down menu, select Microsoft Office 365.
- Click Save.
- The Add a Cloud Data Source page displays:
- From the Data Type drop-down menu, select OneDrive for Business.
In the Your OneDrive URL field, enter the first part of your OneDrive for Business URL; the URL is available once you log in to OneDrive for Business. Note that the https:// portion is not required. For example, type
- Click Authorize.
- If you are not currently logged in to the OneDrive for Business account, the Microsoft login page displays:
- Enter your OneDrive for Business administrator login information, and click Sign in.
- The Edit OneDrive for Business page displays.
- Enter a name to identify the data source in the Data Description field.
- In the Add to schedule section, click the drop-down menu, and then click Add New:
- The Add New Schedule dialog box displays. Enter a name to represent the schedule:
- Click OK. The Edit OneDrive for Business page is updated with the new schedule name.
- Click Save. The Edit Backup Schedule page displays.
- In the Items to Back Up section:
- Select individual items to back up, or
- To back up everything on OneDrive, click Apply to all computers and data sources for this Barracuda Backup Cloud Service.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the day you want the schedule to run.
- In the Daily Backup Timeline, specify the time of day the schedule is to run:
- Click Save. OneDrive is backed up based on your data source and schedule settings.
Schedule a OneDrive for Business Backup
Use the following steps to schedule a backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- Go to Backup > Schedules.
- On the Schedules page, click Add a Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.
- Enter a name for your schedule in the Schedule name field:
- In the Identify the data sources section, select the data to be backed up using this schedule. You can select Select all or you can granularly select data down to a specific file or folder.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the days you want the schedule to run. If you are creating a one-time only backup schedule, deselect all days:
- In the Daily Backup Timeline section, enter a start time for your backup schedule. To repeat a backup schedule throughout a 24-hour period, select the Repeat option and specify the frequency of the backup and the end time. A backup schedule cannot span multiple days:
- Once you have configured your backup schedule, click Save.
- The backup schedule is now listed on the Schedules page and specifies the days and times that it is to run. To run a backup on-demand, click Run Backup Now, to edit the schedule click Edit, or to delete a schedule, click Remove:
Office 365 SharePoint Online
See also: Cloud-to-Cloud Office 365 SharePoint Online
Configure a SharePoint Online Data Source
Use the following steps to set up SharePoint Online backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud Source in the left pane.
- In the Status page, click SharePoint Online:
- The Data Sources page displays. Click Add a Cloud Provider, and enter the following details:
- In the Cloud Provider description field, enter a name to represent the data source.
- From the Cloud Provider type drop-down menu, select Microsoft Office 365.
- Click Save.
- The Add a Cloud Data Source dialog box displays:
- From the Data Type drop-down menu, select SharePoint Online.
Enter Your SharePoint URL.
The URL is available once you log in to SharePoint Online.
Click Authorize.
If you are not currently logged in to the SharePoint Online account, the Microsoft login page displays. Enter your SharePoint Online administrator login information, and then click Sign in.
- In the SharePoint Online page, click Accept to authorize Barracuda to back up data from SharePoint Online:
- The Edit SharePoint Online page displays. Complete the following:
- Enter a name to identify the data source in the Data Description field.
- In the Add to schedule section, click the drop-down menu, and then click Add New:
- The Add New Schedule dialog box displays. Enter a name to represent the schedule:
- Click OK. The Edit SharePoint Online page is updated with the new schedule name.
- Click Save. The Edit Backup Schedule page displays.
- In the Items to Back Up section, select individual items to back up, or click Apply to all computers and data sources for this Barracuda Backup Cloud Service to back up everything in SharePoint Online.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the day you want the schedule to run.
- In the Daily Backup Timeline, specify the time of day the schedule is to run:
- Click Save. SharePoint Online is backed up based on your data source and schedule settings.
Schedule a OneDrive for Business Backup
Use the following steps to schedule a backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- Go to Backup > Schedules.
- On the Schedules page, click Add a Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.
- Enter a name for your schedule in the Schedule name field:
- In the Identify the data sources section, select the data to be backed up using this schedule. You can select Select all or you can granularly select data down to a specific file or folder.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the days you want the schedule to run. If you are creating a one-time only backup schedule, deselect all days:
- In the Daily Backup Timeline section, enter a start time for your backup schedule. To repeat a backup schedule throughout a 24-hour period, select the Repeat option and specify the frequency of the backup and the end time. A backup schedule cannot span multiple days:
- Once you have configured your backup schedule, click Save.
- The backup schedule is now listed on the Schedules page and specifies the days and times that it is to run. To run a backup on-demand, click Run Backup Now, to edit the schedule click Edit, or to delete a schedule, click Remove:
Office 365 Groups
See also: Cloud-to-Cloud Office 365 Groups
Configure a Groups Data Source
Use the following steps to set up Groups backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud Source in the left pane.
- In the Status page, click Groups:
- The Data Sources page displays. Click Add a Cloud Provider, and enter the following details:
- In the Cloud Provider description field, enter a name to represent the data source.
- From the Cloud Provider type drop-down menu, select Microsoft Office 365.
- Click Save.
- The Add a Cloud Data Source dialog box displays:
From the Data Type drop-down menu, select Groups.
Click Authorize.
If you are not currently logged in to your Office 365 account, the Microsoft login page displays. Enter your administrator login information, and then click Sign in.
- In the Groups page, click Accept to authorize Barracuda to back up data from Groups:
- The Edit Groups page displays. Complete the following:
- Enter a name to identify the data source in the Data Description field.
- In the Add to schedule section, click the drop-down menu, and then click Add New:
- The Add New Schedule dialog box displays. Enter a name to represent the schedule:
- Click OK. The Edit Groups page is updated with the new schedule name.
- Click Save. The Edit Backup Schedule page displays.
- In the Items to Back Up section, select individual items to back up, or click Select all to back up everything in Groups.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the day you want the schedule to run.
- In the Daily Backup Timeline, specify the time of day the schedule is to run:
- Click Save. Groups is backed up based on your data source and schedule settings.
Schedule a Groups Backup
Use the following steps to schedule a backup:
- Log into Barracuda Backup, and select the Cloud-to-Cloud Backup Source in the left pane.
- Go to Backup > Schedules.
- On the Schedules page, click Add a Schedule in the upper right-hand corner.
- Enter a name for your schedule in the Schedule name field:
- In the Identify the data sources section, select the data to be backed up using this schedule. You can select Select all or you can granularly select data down to a specific file or folder.
- In the Schedule Timeline section, select the days you want the schedule to run. If you are creating a one-time only backup schedule, deselect all days:
- In the Daily Backup Timeline section, enter a start time for your backup schedule. To repeat a backup schedule throughout a 24-hour period, select the Repeat option and specify the frequency of the backup and the end time. A backup schedule cannot span multiple days:
- Once you have configured your backup schedule, click Save.
- The backup schedule is now listed on the Schedules page and specifies the days and times that it is to run. To run a backup on-demand, click Run Backup Now, to edit the schedule click Edit, or to delete a schedule, click Remove:
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See Also
Click the component tabs above or click a link below to learn more: