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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Updating Integrated Avast Antivirus

  • Last updated on

From time to time, Barracuda RMM will upgrade the deployment of Avast Antivirus. This occurs after Avast has tested, verified, and made its updates available to users. Two components of the Avast Antivirus offering are required. The first is the Avast Business Antivirus software and the Avast Business Agent, which handles the communication between the Antivirus software and the RMM. The software can be handled by scheduling, but the agent requires direct intervention. Below is information on how to upgrade your Avast Antivirus with Barracuda RMM.

Updating Avast Business Agent

  • Within Barracuda RMM, click on Antivirus

  • Select Avast Antivirus

  • Click on Deployment on the far right-hand Status menu

  • Under the Devices with Antivirus column, click on a number for one of your sites

  • Select the devices (either all, in bulk or individually) from the list and then Update Avast Agents

Note: You can and should use the Update Center in Barracuda RMM to keep all components and products up to date

Understanding Update Settings

  • Start with checking how your policy controls your updates

  • Go to Service Delivery

  • Click on Policies

  • Select Avast Antivirus

  • Click on your Avast Antivirus Policy for the Site/Devices to update

  • Go into Workstation (or Server) Settings

  • Select General Settings

  • Barracuda RMM Support Note

Avast controls Automatic Updates, which will occur within the Avast timeframe (usually overnight; sometimes, it is simply as available). Manual Updates are controlled by Barracuda RMM and are informed by the Execution Schedule.

Using Manual Updates through the Execution Schedule

  • Click on Configuration

  • Select Schedules

  • Choose Execution

  • Click on the schedule for Site/Devices

The client update itself requires a reboot on the device; this can be delayed on the client end, but it is highly recommended that this be done as soon as possible.