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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What’s New in Barracuda RMM 11 Service Pack 1

  • Last updated on

Integration with Avast Business Antivirus

Barracuda RMM 11.1 includes support for Avast Business Antivirus.

Avast Business Antivirus adds critical protection to PCs and Windows servers. Avast Business Antivirus lets you:

  • Leverage virtualization to ensure confidential information is protected
  • Update to the latest version automatically or manually
  • Add extra firewall protection for remote endpoints
  • Provide complete server protection
  • Secure your email client

Upgrades to Antivirus Policies

As of Barracuda RMM 11.1, you no longer have to create separate Antivirus Policies for Workstations and Servers. Now you can keep all the settings that you want to apply to a group in a single Antivirus policy.

If you have AVG AntiVirus policies, when you upgrade to 11.1 and open your policies, you will see new tabs. After the upgrade, you will see the Workstation Settings, Server Settings, and Legacy tabs. The settings for AVG AntiVirus appear on the Legacy tab.

All your AVG AntiVirus settings appear on the Legacy Settings tab. If you want to continue to use AVG AntiVirus, you will find the settings for it on Legacy tab.

AVG AntiVirus is no longer being developed, however Antivirus definitions are still available for a limited time.

The replacement for AVG AntiVirus is Avast Business Antivirus. To upgrade, go to the Update Center.

Two new Avast Business Antivirus policies are not automatically downloaded during the upgrade process. To download them, go to the Update Center.

Avast Business Antivirus Reporting

Four new reports make it easy for you to report on the antivirus protection on your devices. These reports can be found in the Security Assurance category on the Reporting > Reports page.

  • Avast Antivirus Device Details—Shows configuration, scan details and virus chest information for a device configured with Avast Business Antivirus. 
  • Avast Antivirus Executive Summary—Shows Avast Antivirus configuration, deployment, and threats summary on a per-site basis. This report focuses on your sites and shows data such as the sites that have Avast Business Antivirus protection and which sites need to have Avast Business Antivirus installed, which sites are reporting threats, and how many devices on a site require Avast Business Antivirus to be installed and how many devices on a site need Avast Business Antivirus scans.
  • Avast Antivirus Summary—Shows Avast Business Antivirus configuration, deployment and threats summary on a per-device basis. This report focuses on the individual devices in a site and shows data such as which devices have Avast Business Antivirus protection and which devices need to have Avast Business Antivirus installed, which devices are reporting threats, and which devices need Avast Business Antivirus scans.
  • Aggregate Site Avast Antivirus Summary—Shows an aggregate of Avast Business Antivirus configuration, deployment and threats summary for multiple sites. This report shows the same information as the Avast Antivirus Summary report, but reports on multiple sites instead of a single site.