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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What's New in Barracuda RMM Version 12 SP6 MR1

  • Last updated on

User Accounts Can No Longer Be Locked Manually

Administrator users can no longer lock user accounts manually. User accounts are only locked automatically, after the number of failed password attempts set in Global Account options.

Users can still be disabled using the Account is disabled checkbox in the user profile.

Phone Numbers Required Only for Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication

In Barracuda RMM 12 SP6, phone numbers were required for all user accounts, in preparation for using a mobile device for multi-factor authentication.

Phone numbers are now optional for all user accounts except for those using mobile multi-factor authentication.

Updates to Avast Antivirus Firewall Rules

Changes have been made to Avast Antivirus Firewall rules in Avast Antivirus policies:

  • The Rules tab is now called Firewall Rules.
  • System rules are now divided into Private and Public rules.
  • Application rules now have the option to allow
  • Internet in only in connections.
  • Allow stealth mode for public networks has been renamed Leak Protection and has been moved to the Advanced tab.
  • Port scan alerts and ARP Spoofing alerts are now available.
There are no corresponding Barracuda RMM alerts for the new system rules at this time.
New Operator for Device Category and System Role Auto-Application Rules

The Not Equal operator has been added to the following Auto-Application Rules:

  • Device Role Category
  • System Role
Cancellation Pending Status Added to the Automated Task Execution Results Page

When a task, script, or package has been cancelled is displayed on the Automated Task Execution Results page, the status is now displayed as “Cancellation Pending”.

User Password Reset for Locked Accounts

Users can reset their passwords even if their user account is locked out.

VARAdmin Reset Password for Locked Accounts
This feature is only available for partners whose environments are hosted by Barracuda or a third-party.

Admin users who use the VARAdmin Hosted Console can now reset the password for locked accounts from VARAdmin.

The VARAdmin Hosted Console now displays the user’s email address after the link has been generated, to make it easier to send the user the reset password link.

VARAdmin Reset Multi-Factor Authentication App for Users
This feature is only available for partners whose environments are hosted by Barracuda or a third-party.

Admin users who use the VARAdmin Hosted Console can now generate a link to reset the multi-factor authentication app for users.

Generating a reset link from VARAdmin only works for multi-factor authentication app users.

New VARAdmin User Role
This feature is only available for partners whose environments are hosted by Barracuda or a third-party.

Previously, users who use VARAdmin could only choose between a VARAdmin user being an Administrator or not. There are now three roles to choose from:

  • Administrator—Gives the user full access.
  • Standard User—Is able to control VARs fully, except for debugging app servers. Can create and delete VARs.
  • Technician—Has access to certain features to assist users. 
For users created in previous versions of the VARAdmin Hosted Console, roles are automatically converted. If a user was created with the Is Administrator check box selected, the user now has the Administrator role. If a user did not have Is Administrator selected, the user has the Standard User role.
User History

For this release, the following has been added to user history:

Failed log inA record is created when a log in attempt fails.
Site CreationA record is created when a site is created.
User RolesA record is created when a user’s role is changed.
Multi-Factor AuthenticationA record is created when any change is made to a user’s multi-factor authentication.
Patch ManagementA record is created when a patch approval is changed.
AlertsAn alert is suppressed.