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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Setting Options for Device Availability Monitors

  • Last updated on

A Device Availability monitor checks whether a device is responding to an ICMP ECHO request in less than 3000 milliseconds and lets you know whether the device is up or down.

ICMP Ping checks a remote host for availability. Devices typically respond to ping requests within milliseconds. However, on a congested network, receive an echo packet from the remote host may take three seconds or longer.

The availability of a device is always monitored.

If you have a server with a remote card (such as an iLO/DRAC) and the main IP of the server goes down, you do not receive a device down alert because the other IP address of the iLO/DRAC still responds. iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) cards should be configured not to respond to ping in the same manner as AMT-enabled devices.

What You Can Do

Since device availability is always monitored, you can:

  • Set the alert notification options for a device that is down.

Set how long Service Center should wait before alerting you that a device is down.


For non-critical devices or devices that report availability through another monitoring policy, ignore this monitor type.

Device Availability monitors can be added to devices individually and added to monitoring policies.

To  set  the  alert  notification  and  how  long  Service  Center  should  wait before alerting that a device is  down

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To add the monitor to a policy, in Service Center, click Service Delivery > Policies > Monitoring. Click the name of the monitoring policy. Click the Monitors tab.

    • To add the monitor to a device directly, in Service Center, click Configuration > Alerting  > Monitor & Alert Rules. From the Site list, select the site where the device is located. From the Device list, select the device to which you want to add a monitor.

  2. Click Add Monitor.

  3. From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Device Availability.

  4. Click Add Monitor.
  5. In the Monitor tab, type a title for the monitor.
  6. Optionally, type a description for the monitor.
  7. Click Alerts.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Type a title for the alert.
  10. Optionally, type a description for the alert.
  11. Click Add AlertRule.
  12. From the Trigger Alert When Device is Down For list, select the length of time Service Center should wait before alerting you.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Do one of the following:
  15. Click Save.
See Also

Exclude Devices Directly