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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
CustomLogDataID bigint An ID for the Custom Log Data.
CustomLogID int An ID for the Custom Log.
LineNumber int The line number of the match.
Capture nvarchar The matching text that was found. 
StartTime datetime The date and time the search started.
EndTime datetime The date and time the search ended.
StartLineNumber int The starting line number of the search. 
EndLineNumber int The ending line number of the search.
SearchStatus nvarchar(250) The status of the search. Possible values include: “Search Successful” or an error message if the search could not be performed.
PollingInterval int The polling interval for the search, in seconds. 
RegularExpression nvarchar(255) The regular expression to search the log file for. 
MatchCase bit Indicates whether the search is case-sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0).
MatchWholeWord bit Indicates whether the match must be the whole word (1) or contained within a word (0). 
UseRegularExpression bit Indicates whether to treat the search string as a regular expression (1) or not (0). 
TimeLastUpdate datetime The date and time the OM last modified the custom log data was last updated.
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the Device.
FilePath nvarchar(255) The path to the custom log file.