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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the macOS device.
DateCreated datetime The date and time the OM identified the macOS disk volume.
DateModifieddatetime The date and time the OM last modified the macOS disk volume.
AvailableCapacity bigint Indicates the available capacity of the disk volume, in bytes.
BSDName nvarchar(100) The BSD name.
Capacity bigint Indicates the total capacity of the disk volume, in bytes.
Content nvarchar(100) Indicates whether the disk volume is EFI, APFS, or Apple Core Storage.
FileSystemType nvarchar(100) Indicates the type of the file system.
MountPoint nvarchar(100) Indicates the folder path that the disk volume is mounted to.
PhysicalDiskBsdName nvarchar(100) Indicates the BSD name of the physical disk.
VolumeUUID uniqueidentifier A unique identifier that identifies the volume.
Writeable bit (1 or 0) Indicates if the disk volume is writable (1) or not (0).