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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
DeviceGuid uniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the macOS device.
DateCreateddatetime The date and time the OM identified the operating system.
DateModifieddatetime The date and time the OM last modified the operating system.
BootMode nvarchar(100) Identifies the boot mode of the macOS device. 
BootVolume nvarchar(100) Identifies the boot volume.
ComputerName nvarchar(100) The name of the computer.
KernelVersion nvarchar(100) The version of the kernel.
SercureVirtualMemorybit (1 or 0) Identifies if the operating system has secure virtual memory (1) or not (0).
SystemVersion nvarchar(100) Identifies the versions of the system.
TimeSinceBoot bigint The time since the system was last booted, in seconds. 
UserName nvarchar(100) The name of the user.