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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Resource Configuration Details for a Guest in a VMWare Site

  • Last updated on

The Guest Configuration dashboard displays detailed information about memory and CPU usage, storage, datastores, and networks. This dashboard contains the following sections:


Displays a breakdown of memory usage, including consumed host memory, active guest memory, memory overhead, and provisioned memory.


Displays consumed host CPU and provisioned CPU.

Guest Configuration

Includes power state, timestamp of the last state change, VMware tools status and version, and a link to upgrade VMware tools.


Displays provisioned, not-shared, and used storage, in GBs.


Lists datastores by name, and includes drive type, capacity, free storage, and last update.


Lists networks by name and type.

To access the Guest Configuration dashboard
  1. From the VMware Site Page dashboard, in the Hosts Summary table, click one of the host name links.
  2. Scroll down to the Guest Summary table, and click the name of a guest machine.
  3. In the Guest Identification area, click the View Resource Configuration link.
See Also