When adding Monitors and Alert Rules as part of a policy module, alert actions can be configured to determine what should occur when the alert condition, which is defined by the alert rules, has been discovered by the Onsite Manager. For more information about the various alert actions, see one of the following topics:
- Setting Up Alert Actions
- Setting Up Alert Actions
- Setting Up Alert Actions
- Setting Up Alert Actions
- Setting Up Alert Actions
For information about configuring monitors, see Configuring Individual Monitor Types.
Creating Trouble Tickets from Alerts Automatically
The Create Trouble Ticket Alert Action causes a trouble ticket to be automatically generated when the alert is triggered. The trouble ticket will be populated with the Alert Details, as well as the following information:
Item | Description |
Ticket ID | A unique ID number that is assigned when the ticket is created. |
Site | The site for which the alert was generated. |
Ticket | For tickets created by an alert action, this box displays the Alert Configuration title. |
Status | For tickets created by an alert action, the initial status is set to New. |
Assigned To | Tickets created by an alert action are assigned to the first Technician assigned to the site. |
Priority | For tickets created by an alert action, the initial priority is set to High. |
Self-Healing Alerts
The Self-Heal Alert Action is available so that alerts can automatically be removed from the Central Dashboard if the condition triggering the alert no longer exists. This is not an available alert action for all monitor types, as some Monitors scan for single events (such as AMT Events, MBSA Reports, SNMP Traps, Syslog Messages and Windows Events) and can therefore not self-correct.
To self-heal alerts
- Select the Self-Heal check box.
Select the Clear Trouble Ticket check box to have any trouble tickets created as part of this alert configuration cleared when the alert self-heals.
- Select the Enable Self-Heal Notification check box to receive notification through Email when the alert self-heals.
- Choose time range from the Notify if alert is cleared within list.
- Click Save.
Running Scripts
Receiving Alert Notifications via Email
The Send Email Alert Action causes an email to be automatically generated when the alert is triggered. Users set to receive the email alerts must have that right defined in a role assigned to the user.
To receive alert notifications via email
- Select the Send Email check box.
- Choose either the All users for the site whose role is configured to receive Alert Notifications or the Specify emails (separate emails by semicolon) option button.
- If All users for the site whose role is configured to receive Alert Notifications is selected, all users with the appropriate role for the site will receive the email.
- If Specify emails (separate emails by semicolon) is selected, highlight any desired addresses in the Choose from a list of notifiable users across all sites list, and click the Add to notification list button, or manually enter the email addresses separated by a semicolon in the Email notifications to be sent to the following addresses box.
If required, change the Alert Emailed From address (set by default to the value configured on the Configuration > Master Settings > From Email box) to the address that should send the alert.
- Click Save.
Escalating Alert Notifications
The Escalate Alert Action is available so a second tier of notification can be implemented when a condition that triggered an alert has not been resolved in a set amount of time.
To escalate alert notifications
- Select the Escalate Alert check box.
- Select a time after which the Alert Escalation will take effect.
- Select the Send Email check box.
- Click Save.