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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Service Center Requirements - On Premise

  • Last updated on

Service Center is resource-intensive. This means production systems should be dedicated to Barracuda RMM. Sharing a server with other applications results in contention for resources, particularly memory and disk throughput, which can significantly impact the performance of all applications on the server.

Memory and disk space requirements listed in this section must be dedicated to Service Center, so additional resources are required for the server operating system and any other roles performed.

Best Practices

For easier scaling as you grow your usage of Barracuda Managed Workplace, it is recommended that you implement a two-server deployment.

It is not recommended to install Service Center on Exchange servers or Hyper-V hosts, as these systems are typically extremely busy, and an installation could result in resource contention.

Additionally, it is not recommended that you install Service Center on domain controllers, which can pose a security risk.

To reduce the possibility of data loss, store database backups on another system or device in addition to the SQL server.

The storage space required for the database, database backups, and transaction logs will vary based on product usage, including the number of sites and devices monitored, monitoring configurations, and data retention settings.
Single Server Deployment

A single server deployment consists of the Service Center application and SQL server residing on the same server.

OccupancyHardware Minimums

1 - 5 sites (1 - 150 devices)

  • 4 logical CPUs
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 2 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 (500 GB) plus size of physical RAM for OS Page File - install OS, SQL databases, and transaction log. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 2 (500 GB) - Separate volume to store database backups and isolate the backup files in case of hardware failure. Recommended RAID: 10, 5, or 1.

5 - 25 sites (150 - 650 devices)

  • 4 CPUs
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 2 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 (500 GB) plus size of physical RAM for OS Page File - install OS, SQL databases, and transaction log. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 2 (500 GB) - Separate volume to store database backups and isolate the backup files in case of hardware failure. Recommended RAID: 10, 5, or 1.
Two Server Deployment

A two server deployment consists of the Service Center application and SQL server hosted on separate servers.

OccupancyHardware Minimums

25 - 50 sites (650 - 1300 devices)                  

  • Application server: 8 logical CPUs with 8 GB RAM and 120 GB disk space for storage
  • Database server: 8 logical CPUs with 12 GB RAM and 2 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 (500 GB) plus size of physical RAM for the OS Page File - install OS, SQL databases, and transaction log. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 2 (500 GB) - Separate volume to store database backups and isolate the backup files in case of hardware failure. Recommended RAID: 10, 5, or 1.

50 - 100 sites (1300 - 3000 devices)

  • Application server: 8 logical CPUs with 8 GB RAM, and 120 GB disk space for storage
  • Database server: 8 logical CPUs with 16 GB RAM, and 4 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 (120 GB) plus size of physical RAM for the OS Page File - install OS and application files. Do not install database files, transaction logs, or SQL backups. Recommended RAID: 1.
    • Volume 2 (200 GB) - Location of database data files, including TempDB. Recommended RAID: 10 or 5.
    • Volume 3 (100 GB) - Location of transaction logs for all databases. If you are using Full Recovery model, a larger capacity is recommended. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 4 (500 GB) - Storage of SQL Database backups. If you are using Simple Recovery model, you can use a combination of full database backups and differentials. Recommended RAID: 10, 5, or 1.
3,000 - 10,000 devices                       
  • Application server: 8 logical CPUs with 8 GB RAM, and 120 GB disk space for storage
  • Database server: 8 logical CPUs, 32 GB RAM and 4 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 (120GB) plus size of physical RAM for the OS Page File - install OS and application files. Do not install database files, transaction logs, or SQL backups. Recommended RAID: 1.
    • Volume 2 (200 GB) - Location of database data files, including TempDB. Recommended RAID: 10 or 5.
    • Volume 3 (100 GB) - Location of transaction logs for all databases. If you are using Full Recovery model, a larger capacity is recommended. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 4 (500 GB) - Storage of SQL Database backups. If you are using Simple Recovery model, you can use a combination of full database backups and differentials. Recommended RAID: 10, 5, or 1.
10,000 - 25,000 devices
  • Application server: 8 logical CPUs, 16 GB RAM, and 120 GB disk space for storage.
  • Database server: 8 logical CPUs, 64 GB RAM, and 6 volumes with the following roles:
    • Volume 1 - 120 GB plus size of physical RAM for the OS Page File and SQL application. Recommended RAID: 1.
    • Volume 2 (200 GB) - SQL database data files, exclusing TempDB. Recommended RAID: 10 or 5.
    • Volume 3 (100 GB) - SQL database transaction log files, except TempDB. If using Full Recovery model, a larger capacity is recommended. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 4 (200 GB) - SQL TempDB data files, which are placed in this volume to be isolated for performance reasons. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 5 (200 GB) - SQL TempDB transaction log file, which is placed on this volume to be isolated for performance reasons. If you choose not to create this volume, put the TempDB transaction log file where the other transactions logs are located. Recommended RAID: 10 or 1.
    • Volume 6 (500 GB) - Storage of SQL Database backups. A combination of full database backups and differentials can be used if using Simple Recovery model. Recommended RAID: 1.

All the software listed in this section has passed performance testing with Barracuda Managed Workplace. While it may be possible to install on other flavors of Windows or other required applications, it is not recommended because support may be limited for any products not explicitly listed.


The following installer is required:

  • Windows Installer 4.5
Operating System

Barracuda Managed Workplace will install natively for 64-bit operating systems only. All required software components must be installed in 64-bit mode. The following operating systems are supported:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (Standard, Datacenter, and Datacenter: Azure Edition)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (Standard and Enterprise)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Standard and Datacenter)
Application Framework

The following application framework is required:

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 and Advanced Services or higher
Web Framework

The following web framework is required:

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
Web Server

The following web servers are supported:

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.5, 8, and 8.5
  • When using SSL with IIS 7.x, the web server must be configured to ignore client certificates. This is the default setting.
Database Server

Several versions of Microsoft SQL Server are supported. The recommended version is Microsoft SQL Server 2019.

The following database servers are supported:

  • Microsoft SQL 2022
  • Microsoft SQL 2019 - (Recommended)
  • Microsoft SQL 2017
  • Microsoft SQL 2016 
  • Virtualization of SQL Server with Barracuda Managed Workplace is not supported because of performance concerns for CPU and disk performance. Barracuda Managed Workplace heavily relies on SQL Server for data loading, reporting, and high speed transactions, therefore it is recommended that you do not virtualize the SQL Server to ensure that the system is responsive, performs well, and to reduce complexity in deployment and troubleshooting. Data Centers typically encourage real hardware except where databases serve light applications such as blogs.
  • For performance and management reasons, the Service Center databases should be housed in its own database instance on a dedicated system.
Mail Server

Barracuda Managed Workplace will work with any SMTP server. Authentication and port options are configurable.

Web Browser
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome current version
  • Mozilla Firefox current version
  • Safari (Mac OS and iOS - partial)
Network Requirements

The following lists the networking requirements for Service Center:

  • 80 TCP inbound – Access to the SCMessaging and SC websites over HTTP. This is not required if using SSL.
  • 80 TCP outbound – Access to the license server and WSUS meta data server. This is not required if using SSL.
  • 443 TCP inbound – Access to the SCMessaging and SC websites over HTTPS. This is only required if using SSL.
  • 1433 TCP outbound from the application to the database server – Access to the database server.

The following lists the networking requirements for Service Center:

  • 80 TCP inbound – Access to the VARAdmin, SCMessaging and SC websites over HTTP.
  • 80 TCP outbound –  Access to the license server and WSUS meta data server.
  • 443 TCP inbound –  Access to the VARAdmin, SCMessaging and SC websites over HTTPS.

Firewall exceptions for the SCMonitor.exe and SCworker.exe applications must be made on each application server to allow for communications on all TCP ports where the source IP Addresses are those of the other application servers.

Required External Sites for Barracuda Managed Workplace

The following table outlines the external sites that must be allowed by security products for Barracuda Managed Workplace to function properly.

In addition to these sites, the URL where Service Center is installed must be accessible for communication between Onsite Manager, Device Managers, and managed devices.

SiteService CenterOnsite ManagerDevice ManagerTechnician's Computer
Warranty lookup service

Patch metadata,
Windows self update URL

Update Center components, initial patch metadata, Service Center online help

Whats My IP service
(RMM 2022.1 and higher)  
License service, telemetry service, Service Center locator

(RMM 2023.1 and higher)
Update center metadata

Download PRC Viewer and Server
Used by setup to download required components (prerequisites)
Used to connect to Microsoft patch management

Used in the bits-client log

Required for Advanced Software Management
Provides patch bulletin metadata.

Required External Sites for Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus

If you’re using Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus, the following external sites must be allowed by security products:

  • *
  • *
Required External Sites for Service Modules

If you’re using a service module, consult the documentation for the integrated program for any external sites that are required for communication.