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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column Type Description
WinSoftwareID int A unique identifier for the software.
DeviceGuiduniqueidentifier A globally unique identifier for the device
DateCreateddatetime The date and time the software was identified. 
Namenvarchar(255) The name of the software.
Versionnvarchar(100) The version of the software.
Vendor nvarchar(100) The software vendor.
InstallDate datetime The date and time the software was installed.
InstallLocation nvarchar(256) The location where the software was installed.
InstallSource nvarchar(256) The installation source directory for the software.
ProductLanguage nvarchar(30) The language of the software.
LocalPackage nvarchar(150) The location of the locally cached package for this software.
PackageCode nvarchar(32) The identifier for the package from which this software was installed.
PackageName nvarchar(100) The name of the software package.
RegisteredOwner nvarchar(50) The individual the software is registered to.
ProductIDnvarchar(50) The product ID.
RegisteredCompanynvarchar(50) The company the software is registered to.
TimesUsed nvarchar(5) Number of times this software has been used.
LastUsed nvarchar(22) A string representing the date and time the software was last used.
ExecutablePath nvarchar(130) The path to the software executable.
SoftwareID nvarchar(10) The ID of the software.
ExecutableDescription nvarchar(50)A description of the software’s executable.
ExecutableVersionnvarchar(50)The version of the software’s executable.
AssignmentTypenvarchar(50)Assignment type of the software.

Installed state of the software. Possible values include:

1 = Advertised

2= Absent

5 = Installed

-1 = Unknown Package

-2 = Invalid Argument

-6 = Bad Configuration