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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column NameTypeNullableDescription
templateidintegerNoA unique id for the policy
elevatenonadminsintegerNoIndicates if logged in non-administrative users receive update notifications from the Windows Update agent 

The options for the automatic update

autoinstallminorupdatesintegerNoIndicates if minor updates are automatically installed
detectionfrequencyintegerNoIndicates the frequency at which the policy detects new patches
noautoupdatebooleanNoIndicates if the patch policy contains automatic updates
patchscheduleidintegerYesA unique id for the patch schedule
groupchangeappliestoexistingdevicesbooleanNoIndicates if a changes to the policy is applied to existing devices in the group
patchcomputergroupidintegerNoA unique id for the patch group
iscurrentcharacterYesNot used