Column Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
patchscheduleid | integer | Yes | A unique ID for the patch schedule |
scheduletype | string | Yes | Indicates the type of schedule |
scheduletime | smallint | Yes | Indicates the time the schedule runs |
monday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Mondays |
tuesday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Tuesdays |
wednesday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Wednesdays |
thursday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Thursdays |
friday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Fridays |
saturday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Saturdays |
sunday | boolean | Yes | Indicates if the patch is scheduled on Sundays |
dateofmonth | smallint | Yes | Indicates the date of the month the schedule runs |
weekofmonth | smallint | Yes | Indicates the week of the month the schedule runs |
dayofweek | smallint | Yes | Indicates the day of the week the schedule runs |
reschedulewaittime_min | integer | No | After a failed installation, indicates the number of minutes after the next startup the system waits before attempting install. Applies to Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 and earlier operating systems. |
forcereboot | boolean | Yes | Indicates if a reboot is forced |
noautorebootwithloggedonusers | boolean | Yes | Indicates if logged on users are automatically rebooted |
rebootrelaunchtimeout | integer | Yes | Indicates the time out before a reboot is launched |
rebootwarningtimeout | integer | Yes | Indicates the time out before a reboot warning is displayed |
iscurrent | character | Yes | Not used |
Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace
formerly Managed Workplace