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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column NameTypeNullableDescription

A unique ID for the patch schedule

scheduletypestringYesIndicates the type of schedule
scheduletimesmallintYesIndicates the time the schedule runs
mondaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Mondays
tuesdaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Tuesdays
wednesdaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Wednesdays
thursdaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Thursdays
fridaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Fridays
saturdaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Saturdays
sundaybooleanYesIndicates if the patch is scheduled on Sundays
dateofmonthsmallintYesIndicates the date of the month the schedule runs
weekofmonthsmallintYesIndicates the week of the month the schedule runs
dayofweeksmallintYesIndicates the day of the week the schedule runs
reschedulewaittime_minintegerNoAfter a failed installation, indicates the number of minutes after the next startup the system waits before attempting install. Applies to Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 and earlier operating systems.
forcerebootbooleanYesIndicates if a reboot is forced
noautorebootwithloggedonusersbooleanYesIndicates if logged on users are automatically rebooted
rebootrelaunchtimeoutintegerYesIndicates the time out before a reboot is launched
rebootwarningtimeoutintegerYesIndicates the time out before a reboot warning is displayed
iscurrentcharacterYesNot used