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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Host Data for VMWare ESXi Site

  • Last updated on

The VMware Host Overview dashboard provides details about a host machine, including charts to illustrate resource usage. The information on the Host Overview dashboard is grouped into the following categories:

Host Identification

This section displays the host name, IP address, version, model, and manufacturer. It also displays CPU and memory capacity, and provides a link to view more details resource configuration.

Host Management

Includes links to reboot or shut down the host machine, enter or exit maintenance mode, and view the status of commands issues on the host.

Issuing a shutdown and restart command on a host machine may display a message that the command was successful. This confirmation message refers to the successful submission of the command, and not to the successful outcome. To ensure that the host restarted as expected, you can view the command status. See Viewing the Status of Commands in VMware.

Host State Summary

Displays the power state and connection state of the host.

Support Resources

This area provides a link to the VMware support website.

You can also generate the Host VMware Summary report from the Host Overview dashboard.

To view the VMware Host Overview dashboard

From the VMware Site Page dashboard, in the Hosts Summary table, click one of the host name links.

See Also