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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Resource Configuration Details for a Host for a VMWare Site

  • Last updated on

The Host Configuration dashboard provides detailed information about the health and setup of hardware, networks, and storage on a host machine, including memory and CPU allocation.

From the Host Configuration dashboard, you can drill down to view bar charts that depict how storage on host datastores is allocated. These charts provide a quick visual cue to help you determine whether or not resources need to be re-allocated on the datastores.

You can also click to access the Device Page for the host to perform some of the common device monitoring and management tasks available in Barracuda RMM, including remoting to the device, view the system logs, get latest assets, etc.

To access the Host Configuration dashboard, do the following steps:

  1. From the VMware Site Page dashboard, in the Hosts Summary table, click one of the host name links.
  2. In the Host Identification area, click the View Resource Configuration link.

You can view detailed information about memory and CPU allocation and the host configuration, and you can perform the following tasks:

To access the Device Page for the host
  • In the Host Identification area, click the Host Name link.
To view datastore usage charts
  • In the Datastore Space Usage Details area, click the Host Datastores link.

The datastore bar charts display the storage usage, in GB, of the following:

  • free space
  • swap
  • snapshots
  • virtual machines
  • other - storage space used by VMware ESXi system files. may take up to a day for the datastore chart to appear.
To view the health of host resources
  1. Scroll down to the Hardware Health Summary table.
  2. Click any of the following to view detailed health status information about that component:
    • Software Components
    • Power
    • Fan
    • Processors
    • Temperature
    • Storage
    • Memory
    • System