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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Setting up and Enabling Account Policies in VAR Admin

  • Last updated on

Account Policies

Barracuda RMM Account Policies add additional security to the Hosted Console website, defining how users can access it and protecting it against brute force attacks.

To enable an Account Policy
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > User Management.
  2. Click Account Policies.
  3. Select the corresponding check box and configure any values required.
User Settings
User session expires after X minutes

Causes the user to be logged out of the Hosted Console website after a defined period of inactivity.

Default: 90 minutes

Lock account after X failed login attempts within a X period

Causes a user account to be locked out after a configurable amount of failed login attempts during a defined period of time.

Default: 5 failed login attempts in 3 minutes

Accounts that are locked out are unable to access the Hosted Console website until another user unlocks the account.

Password Settings

Force user to change password after administrative reset

Causes users to change their password upon the first login if their password has been reset to active by an Administrator.
Keep a history of X passwords

Causes users to create new passwords and not reuse previous passwords.

Default: 5 days

Enforce alphanumeric passwordsEnforces the use of letters and numbers in passwords.
Enforce special characters in passwordsEnforces that at least one special character must be used in passwords.
Password minimum length is x charactersEnforces a minimum length for the password.
Password expires after x days

Send notification x days before password expires