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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Working with Existing VSCs

  • Last updated on

You can associate an existing VSC with a VSC blueprint. A VSC can only be associated with one blueprint.

  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
  2. In the VSC blueprint list, click the VSC blueprint that you want to associate with an existing VSC.
  3. In the Applied VARs section, click Add VAR.
  4. Select the check box of the VSC you want to associate with the selected VSC blueprint.
  5. Click OK.

The VAR appears in the Applied VARs section of the VSC Blueprints Editor window.

Modifying Existing VSC Blueprints and Applying them to Existing VSCs

You can modify existing blueprints; however, there are restrictions on what can be modified and then applied to the existing VSCs that are associated with the blueprint. Only additions can be performed to existing VARs which includes importing policy modules, reports and scripts and applying policy modules to groups; also when applying More Actions, such as importing policy modules, reports and scripts to existing VARs, there is an option to add the content being imported to the VSC Blueprint. If the additions are applied with the option to update the VSC Blueprint, any new VSCs you create will automatically use the modified version of the blueprint.

If you do make changes to policy modules, reports or scripts, you will have to import them into the existing VSCs. If you are importing policy modules, then you also have to apply the policy module to the group.

To modify an existing VSC blueprint and apply it to an existing VSC
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
  2. In the VSC blueprint list, click the VSC blueprint that you want to work with.
  3. In the Applied VARs section, select the check box of the VSC to which you want to make changes.
  4. Click More Actions.
  5. Depending on the type of change you want to make, do one of the following:
    • Import Policy Module from File or Import Policy Module from Library
    • Import Report from File or Import Report from Library
    • Import Script from File
  6. If you chose to import a policy module, report, or script from a file, then in the File Name box, click Browse to search for the file. Select the file you want to import and then click Open. Click Import. Select the Apply to Blueprint check box to have the modification added to the VSC Blueprint.
  7. If you chose to import a policy module from the library, then select the check boxes that correspond with the policy modules you want to import. Or, select the check box at the top of the check box column to select all the check boxes. Click Import. Select the Apply to Blueprint check box to have the modification added to the VSC Blueprint.
  8. If you chose to import a policy module from either a file or the library, you can also apply the policy module to a group.
    • Click More Actions and then select Apply Policy Module to Group.
    • Select the groups to which you want to apply the policy module by enabling the corresponding check box and then click Apply Policy Module.
    • Select the check box that corresponds with the policy module you want to apply to the group and click OK.
    • Select the Apply to Blueprint check box to have the modification added to the VSC Blueprint.