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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

System Log Viewer

  • Last updated on

You can use the System Log Viewer window to see a list of all system logs that have been generated. You can apply filters to the list to see only certain log entries. The filters you can use are:

  • Severity (critical, error, warning, or information)
  • Error Code
  • Module
To filter the system log list
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > System Log Viewer.
  2. Apply any combination of the following filters to the list:
    • In the Severity box, select the check box for each severity for which you want to see the system logs having the specified severity.
    • In the Error Code box, type the error code of the logs you want to see.
    • In the Module box, type the module (Monitoring, for example) for which you want to see system logs.
    • Select a time frame using the date and time pickers.
  3. Click Filter.

You can click a system log entry in the list to view details about it in the Message Details dialog box.

To view the message details
  1. In the Time column of the log list, click the log entry.
  2. While viewing the system log message details, if desired, you can click Up or Down to scroll through the other system log entries to view their message details.
  3. When you are done viewing the message details, click OK.