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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Running a Scan Manually

  • Last updated on

If you want to scan devices immediately, run a manual scan.

  1. In Service Center, click Site Management > Sites.
  2. In the Site Name column, click the site for which you want to perform a network scan.
  3. Click the Network Discovery tab.
  4. In the Network Scan (Local Network) section, click Scan Now.
    The scanning process begins. Once complete, the results appear in the Scan Settings section.
    When the scan completes, check to ensure that each discovered device has at least one management protocol (such as WMI, SNMP or SSH) enabled. This allows Onsite Manager to accurately identify a device.

See Also

For more information about network discovery, see the Setup Guide for your version of Barracuda RMM: