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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

What’s New in Barracuda RMM 11

  • Last updated on

Site Security Assessment

Barracuda RMM 11 introduces a new tool that helps you monitor the security of the sites you manage. The Site Security Assessment lets you perform a security assessment for any of your managed sites. The Security Assessment analyses various aspects of security, such as your password management policy, the status of your antivirus software, and your patch management.

The Site Security Assessment is a powerful tool you can use to show your clients what you’re doing to keep their sites safe. When a Security Assessment runs on a site, you’ll get a score of the vulnerabilities of the site. You can then see the issues that contributed to the score and what you can do to improve the site’s score the next time the assessment runs.

Site Security Dashboard and Overview

The new Site Security Dashboard is your window to the Site Security Assessment, letting you add and remove sites from the assessment, as well as displaying an overview of the security scores for your sites.

From the Site Security Dashboard, you can navigate to each site’s Site Security Overview, and from there to the details of the security score for each of the following categories:

  • AntiVirus Security
  • Patch Security
  • User Security

You can drill down to the individual tests in each category for more information, to see why your site received the score that it did, what is at risk, and what steps you can take to improve the test score in the next assessment.

Site Security Reporting

Barracuda RMM 11 introduces three new reports you can generate, based on the Site Security Assessment. These reports can be found in the Security Assurance category on the Reporting > Reports page.

The new reports are:

  • Site Security Summary—An executive summary for those who want to know the overall site security score, but aren’t interested in the details of the score.
  • Site Security Report—A report with more detail than the summary report, however, this report only lists the tests used and the number of devices affected.
  • Site Security Detailed Report—A report that outlines all the available details of the site security assessment.

There is a report policy for each report, which you can use to schedule and deliver reports.