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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

How to Automate Silent Device Manager Deployment

  • Last updated on

Barracuda RMM includes several options to deploy Device Managers, including emailing or downloading the installer directly from Service Center or creating an automated task to handle the installation for you. However, you may wish to use other technologies, such as a group policy, to automate deployment.

Device Manager Packages contain dynamic information about the Barracuda RMM sites to which they belong. It is imperative to download the package for the site you will be working on.

To download the Device Manager
  1. In your Barracuda RMM UI, go to Site Management.
  2. Select Sites.
  3. Click the name of the site where you want Device Managers installed.
  4. Click the Device Manager tab.
  5. Click Download Device Manager.
  6. Click Save to download the Device Manager.
  7. Extract the ZIP and store in a location accessible to all devices.

Now that you have the package to install, you must ensure that a flag exists in the registry of target devices, allowing the installer to complete it silently. The easiest way to do this is to run the following visual basic script before running SetupDM.exe:

SetRegistryValue "SOFTWARE\Level Platforms\Managed Workplace\Onsite Manager\Install\", "DmSilentMode", "true"
'Set the registry value in HKLM. The registry key is created.
Sub SetRegistryValue(ByVal path, ByVal name, ByVal value)
Dim strComputer, oReg, createResp, status
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
createResp = oReg.CreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path)
status = oReg.SetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path, name, value)
Set oReg = Nothing
End Sub

Once the visual basic has set the DmSilentMode value to true, executing "SetupDM.exe –y " will complete the installation silently. This combination can be deployed through group policy or other delivery systems.

Once installed, the system tray icon will not be available until after the device is rebooted. This avoids the possibility of the application being set to run in the operating systems' session 0.

How to Deploy Device Managers by Group Policy Object (GPO)

An alternative to the above and other methods is using a GPO to install a Device Manager using the GPO. The Barracuda RMM Support Team does not have a specific procedure in this. However, Microsoft has a comprehensive article on how to install software via GPO.