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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
ColumnType Nullable Description
SnmpTrapDataID int No Uniquely identifies SnmpTrap data.
SnmpMibTrapGuid uniqueidentifier No Uniquely identifies the SnmpMib Trap.
DeviceGuiduniqueidentifier No Uniquely identifies the device that generates the trap.
AgentIP nvarchar No The IP Address or host name of the SNMP agent to communicate with.
UpTime nvarchar Yes The uptime of the device system (in seconds).
GenericMessage nvarchar Yes Identifies the generic trap types. Includes the following: coldStart, warmStart, linkDown, linkUp, authenticationFailure, egpNeighborLoss enterpriseSpecific
TimeOfTrapGeneration datetime No The timestamp (in UTC) of the trap generation.
EnterpriseOid varchar Yes The OID for the network management system.
SpecificNumbernvarchar  YesThe specific trap code.
OccurrenceNbr int  NoThe number of occurrence of the trap.
Oid varchar  YesThe SNMP trap object identifier.
SpecificValue nvarchar  YesThe value in the trap data.