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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on
Column NameTypeNullableDescription
deviceidintegerNoUniquely identifies the device.
siteidintegerNoUniquely identifies a site
siteguidunique-identifierNoThe GUID of the site
deviceguidunique-identifierNoThe GUID of the device
descriptionstringYesA more detailed description of the device
statusstringYesThe status of the device
omidentifierintegerNoThe identifier of the Onsite Manager that manages the device

Identifies if WMI is enabled on the device

wsmanenabledbooleanNoIdentifies if WSMan is enabled on the device
snmpenabledbooleanNoIdentifies if SNMP is enabled on the device
sshenabledbooleanNoIdentifies if SSH is enabled on the device
sshnamestringYesThe SSH name
endoflifedatetimeYesThe end of life for the device
monitorbooleanNoIdentifies if the device is a monitor
timecreateddatetimeNoThe date and time the device was identified
notestextYesNotes entered by the user who added the device
inventorytagstringYesAn inventory identifier for the device

Identifies the physical memory allocation of the device

activestatestringNoIdentifies the active state of the device

Identifies if AMT is enabled on the device

timestatuschangeddatetimeNoThe date and time the device’s status last changed
omguidunique-identifierNoThe GUID of the Onsite Manager that manages the device
aliasstringYesAn alias for the device
computernamestringYesThe computer name of the device
snmpnamestringYesThe SNMP name of the device
netbiosnamestringYesThe NetBIOS name for the device
namestringYesThe name of the device
isonsitebooleanYesIdentifies if the device is on site
warrantyexpirydatedatetimeYesThe date and time the warranty of the device expires
commenttextYesAny comment created by the individual who created the device
isrespondingtoarpbooleanNoIdentifies if the device responds to ARP
timeexcludeddatetimeYesIf applicable, the date and time the device was excluded
ipaddressestextYesThe IP addresses of the device

If applicable, an identifying name for the device, with an alias for the device

iscurrentcharacterYesNot used