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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Upgrading an Existing ConnectWise Manage Integration

  • Last updated on

About Upgrading the ConnectWise Manage Service Desk Module

The following procedure describes how to upgrade an existing ConnectWise Manage integration in Barracuda RMM. When an updated ConnectWise Manage service desk module is available, a notification appears in the Components page in Update Center letting you know that you can install the update.


  • ConnectWise Manage 2017.4 introduces changes in the integration process. For details on changes, consult the Barracuda RMM 10 SP3 HF1 Release Notes, available here.
  • Once you start the upgrade and until you save the new integration, neither the old integration nor the new integration are enabled. It is recommended that you perform the upgrade during off-peak hours.
If you’re upgrading to ConnectWise Manage 2017.4 or higher for the first time

When you upgrade to ConnectWise Manage 2017.4 or higher for the first time, you have to modify the following:

  • The Website URL in the Barracuda RMM Service Desk Integration Configuration.
  • The Callback URL in ConnectWise Manage.

These URLs must be updated before you update the Service Desk Module using the To upgrade the ConnectWise Manage Service Desk Module procedure below.

  • When you go through the upgrade process, your site mappings will be transferred from ConnectWise Manage to Barracuda RMM. This transfer begins after you enter your Public and Private Keys and click the Save button.
    It takes around one second per site for the upgrade process to map a Barracuda RMM site to a ConnectWise Manage company, so if you have a large number of sites to be mapped (One hundred or more), the mapping process may seem slow.
    You set up the mapping on the Site Company Mapping page of the Integration Configuration, but the mapping process starts when you click the Save button or Next.
  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Integrations  > Service PSA Integrations.
  2. Click the ConnectWise Manage Service Desk Module link.
  3. In Website URL, add "api-" after the double slashes in the FQDN of your ConnectWise Manage PSA system (for example,
    Note: For ConnectWise Manage 2017.4 and higher, prefix the domain name with "api-". For example, if you log in to ConnectWise Manage with "," use "".
  4. Click Save.
  5. In ConnectWise Manage, click the System icon, and then click Setup Tables.
  6. In the Table box, type Integrator and click Enter, then click the Integrator Login link.
  7. In the Username box, type your username.
  8. In the Service Ticket API section, in the Callback URL box, add "api-" to the URL, just after the double-slash (//). If "www." is in the URL, delete it.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click the System icon.
  11. Click the Members link.
  12. Click a member.
  13. Click the API Keys tab.
  14. Click the + icon.
  15. Type a description for the Key.
  16. Click the Save icon.
  17. Copy the Public Key and Private Key and keep them where you can find them.
  18. Proceed to the To upgrade the ConnectWise Manage Service Desk Module procedure and in step 6, do the following:
    • on the Web Service Credentials page, paste the Public Key and Private Key
    • on the Site Company Mapping page, in the Barracuda RMM Site list, select a site. In the ConnectWise Manage Company list, select the corresponding company name, then click the Link button. Repeat this step until all your sites are mapped.

      When you are mapping a large number of sites (A hundred sites or more), processing may be slow.

  19. Click Save.
To upgrade the ConnectWise Manage Service Desk Module
  1. In Service Center, click Update Center > Integrations  > Service PSA Integrations.
  2. Click Service Desk Modules.
  3. Click Updates.
  4. Select the check box beside the ConnectWise Manage service desk module.
  5. Click Install.
  6. Review the fields on the following pages for the Service Desk configuration:

Reference: Default Mappings

WMI-Enabled Devices
ConnectWise Manage Field

Barracuda RMM Field

Configuration TypeDomain Role
CPU SpeedProcessor x #
Default GatewayGateway
Device ID


Note: There is no field in the Service Center user interface that displays Device ID, but there is in ConnectWise Manage.

Installation DateDate Discovered
IP AddressIP Addresses
Last Login NameLast Logged In User
Local DrivesDrive Size
MAC Address

IP Addresses/MAC Address

Note: Barracuda RMM sends to ConnectWise Manage the MAC address for the first IP address it finds.

Model NumberModel
NameDisplay Name
OS Info


Service Pack


Note: The information from Barracuda RMM is concatenated and sent to ConnectWise Manage: Version + Service Pack Level + Architecture.

For example, 6.1.7601 1.0 64-bit.

OS TypeName
Physical MemoryTotal RAM Installed
Serial NumberSerial Number


Note: There is no field in the Service Center user interface that displays Status, but there is in ConnectWise Manage. ConnectWise Manage Status is equivalent to device state in Barracuda RMM, which is either Active or Deleted in Barracuda RMM or Active or Inactive in ConnectWise Manage.

SNMP (only)-Enabled Devices
ConnectWise Manage Field

Barracuda RMM


Configuration Type


Note: There is no field in the Service Center user interface that displays Configuration Type, but there is in ConnectWise Manage.

Device ID


Note: There is no field in the Service Center user interface that displays Device ID, but there is in ConnectWise Manage.

Installation DateDate Discovered
MAC Address

MAC Address

IP Addresses

Model NumberSNMP Description
NameDisplay Name
Serial NumberInventory Tag


Note: There is no field in the Service Center user interface that displays Status, but there is in ConnectWise Manage. ConnectWise Manage Status is equivalent to device state in Barracuda RMM, which is either Active or Deleted in Barracuda RMM or Active or Inactive in ConnectWise Manage.

Vendor NotesNotes