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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Customizing a Custom Integration Set Up by a Hosting Provider

  • Last updated on

If you are using Barracuda RMM in a hosted environment, and a hosting provider has set up a custom integration, you can modify it in Barracuda RMM.

  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Integrations  > Service PSA Integrations.
  2. Click the Custom Integration link.
  3. If required, type the Company ID, User Name, and Password.
  4.  In the Ticketing Options section, click one of the following buttons:
    • All Trouble Tickets Generated from any Alert Action
    • All Trouble Tickets Generated from the Alert Actions Defined in these Specific Policy Modules
  5. If you selected the All Trouble Tickets Generated from the Alert Actions Defined in These Specific Policy Modules option button, then do the following:
    • Check Include manual tickets for the associated Site(s) to also include user-created tickets created in the Service Center or those generated by Support Assistants.
    • Check Include Site Not Communicating tickets for the associated Site(s) to handle these alerts.
    • Click Add Policy Module.
    • Select the check box that corresponds with each policy module you want to add.
    • Click Apply.
    Tip: To remove a policy module, select the check box that corresponds to the policy module you want to remove and click Remove Policy Module.
  6. Click Save.