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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Creating VMware ESXi Reports

  • Last updated on

When you install the VMware service module, several reports are also installed in Service Center.

VMware Reports

The VMware service module includes four reports that you can generate to demonstrate how you are monitoring and managing the virtual environments in your customer’s network.

Multi-Site VMware Summary

Displays an overview of VMware hosts in the selected sites, including host configuration and resource consumption.

Site VMware Summary

Displays an overview of VMware hosts in the site, include host configurations and resource consumption.

Host VMware Summary

Displays VMware host information including configuration and performance details.

Host VMware Guests Summary

Displays VMware Virtual Machine Guest details for a VMware host.

You can view these reports from the VMware service module dashboards, or you can access them from the Reports list.

If you delete one of these reports, then the report links on the VMware service module dashboards won’t work. However, you can re-import it from the partner portal. See Importing a Report.

To create the Multi-Site VMware Summary report
  1. In Service Center, click Status > Service Modules.
  2. Click the VMware link.
  3. In the Multi-Site Summary Report area, click the Multi-Site VMware Summary link.
  4. Specify the time period and click Preview.
To create the Site VMware Summary report
  1. In Service Center, click Status > Service Modules.
  2. Click the VMware link.
  3. Scroll down to the Managed Sites table.
  4. Click a Site name to open the Site Page dashboard.
  5. Under Reports, click the Site VMware Summary link.
  6. Specify the time period and click Preview.
To create the Host VMware Summary or Host VMware Guests Summary report
  1. In Service Center, click Status > Service Modules.
  2. Click the VMware link.
  3. Scroll down to the Managed Sites table.
  4. Click a Site name to open the Site Page dashboard.
  5. Scroll down to the Managed Hosts table.
  6. Click a Host name to open the Host Overview dashboard.
  7. Under Reports, click one of the following:
    • Host VMware Summary
    • Host VMware Guests Summary
  8. Specify the time period and click Preview.