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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

About User Histories

  • Last updated on

The User History page displays a record of actions taken using Barracuda RMM, such as changes to object access, service plans, and site deletions. This audit provides greater transparency for actions taken on sites, service plans, and policies; when those actions occurred; and who is responsible for the action.

This feature can help with audit trails and compliance issues.

For the following
A User History record is created when
Log in

An attempted log in fails

An attempted log in fails due to a restricted IP

Service plans

A site or group is added to a service plan.

A site or group is deleted from a service plan.

A service is modified in a service plan.

The service plan on a site is changed to another service plan.

All service plans are deleted from a site.


A user is created.

A user is deleted.

A user logs in.

A user logs out.

A user's role changes

A user is given permission to access to additional objects.

A user's permission to access an object is revoked.

An administrator requests a password reset for a user.

A user requests a password reset.

A user completes a password reset.

A user changes their mobile phone number.

A user changes their email address.

Email validation

An email with a validation link is sent to a user’s email address.

A user validates their email successfully.

Multi-factor authentication

A user sends an authentication code to a user’s email or phone

A user completes multi-factor authentication successfully

A user changes the method of multi-factor authentication from MFA application to email or email to MFA application

Any change is made to a user’s multi-factor authentication


A device is included in a site.

A Device Manager is uninstalled from a device.

A device is excluded from a site.

A device is deleted from a site.

A device that is not communicating is deleted from a site automatically


Policy settings are modified.

Only changes to the policy are audited. For example, if you change an Auto-Application rule on an Automation policy so that it is not applied to devices with a certain OS, the policy itself is not changed, so User History does not generate a record of the change.

A policy is created.

A policy is deleted.

Intronis Backup Policies

A policy is applied to a device.

A policy is removed from a device.

An alert configuration is created.

An alert configuration is modified.

An alert configuration is deleted.


An alert is cleared.

Execution Schedules

An execution schedule is created.

An execution schedule is modified.

An execution schedule is copied.

An execution schedule is set as the default.

An execution schedule is deleted.

Maintenance Schedules

A maintenance schedule is created.

A maintenance schedule is modified.

An active maintenance schedule is terminated.

A maintenance schedule is deleted.

Patch Management

Patch products are changed.

Patch classifications are changed.

Patch caching for a site is enabled.

Patch caching for a site is disabled.

A patch approval rule is added.

A patch approval rule is deleted.

A patch approval is changed

Patch approval rules are run manually on existing devices.

Advanced Software Management

Advanced software management products are changed.

Advanced software management patch classifications are changed.

An advanced software management patch approval rule is added.

An advanced software management patch approval rule is deleted.

Advanced software management patch approval rules are run manually on existing devices.

An approval group for advanced software management is deleted.

Barracuda Content Shield

A user connects their Barracuda Cloud Control account to integrate another Barracuda project.

A user removes a Barracuda Cloud Control account connection.

A user attempts to connect a Barracuda Cloud Control account, but the connection fails.

Intronis Backup Integration

A user redeploys an Intronis Backup agent.

A user uninstalls an Intronis Backup agent.

A user reboots a device with an Intronis Backup agent.


A user creates a site

A user removes an Onsite Manager from a site using Site Management > More Actions > Remove Onsite Manager.


A user deselects a New Site Default security schema.

A user selects a new New Site Default security schema.

A user applies a security schema to all sites.


A user enables encryption for a drive.

A user disables encryption for a drive.


A SentinelOne account is linked to Barracuda RMM

A SentinelOne account is unlinked from Barracuda RMM

A SentinelOne account is unlinked from Barracuda RMM

SentinelOne is linked to a Barracuda RMM site

SentinelOne is unlinked from a Barracuda RMM site

A SentinelOne agent is installed on a device

A SentinelOne agent is uninstalled from a device

A SentinelOne agent performs a reboot on a device