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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Turning a Monitor in a Monitoring Policy On or Off

  • Last updated on

You can turn a monitor on or off. If you are not interested in reporting the data the monitor collects, or it is not likely to translate into billable actions for you, turning the monitor off is appropriate. This will reduce noise in Service Center and the disk footprint used by the database.

For example, the Microsoft Windows 7 monitoring policy contains monitors for a number of subsystems that may not be used by your customers, such as the handwriting recognition component. Unless you have a customer that uses tablet devices, as are often found in medical practices, you may want to simply turn off these monitors.

  1. In Service Center, click Service Delivery Policies > Monitoring.
  2. Click the name of the monitoring policy.
  3. Click the Monitors tab.
  4. Select the check box of the monitor that you want to enable or disable.
  5. Click Enable or Disable.
  6. Click Close.
See Also

Deleting a Monitor from a Monitoring Policy