Click the video below for an introduction to automating tasks:

Barracuda RMM includes a library of scripts and automation packages that you can use to automate remediation and regular maintenance on devices across sites and service groups. A script executes a single action, and a package is a bundle of scripts that execute a sequence of actions.
You can create automation policies, which are scripts or packages with additional settings, including:
Schedule settings that determine whether the automation policy follows the default execution schedule, which is used by automation, patch, and Antivirus policies to run maintenance tasks without disrupting the customer's business. You can also overrule the execution schedule by defining a custom schedule, for running the task. For more information on execution schedules, see Setting Up Execution Schedules.
Automatic application rules that determine the criteria a device must meet in order for the task to run on the device.
Manual application and excluded devices, which allows you to select which devices must or must not have this task run.
For more information on automation policies, see Creating Automation Policies.
You can also schedule a task directly in the Calendar (Automation > Calendar), while Onsite Manager or Device Manager executes the instructions.
You can create a quick task, which is a task in which you pre-fill some or all of the script parameters, so that when you run the task you do not have to fill everything in. For more information on quick tasks, see Adding a Quick Task.
Regardless of how you schedule a task, you can:
Run scripts on Windows, Mac OS, and Unix/Linux devices.
Use any of the scripts available in the script Library, and use Update Center to get more scripts as they become available and to update existing scripts.
Run your own scripts.
Bundle scripts together to create a package, using rules and logic to determine the script sequence and dependencies between scripts.
Run a task immediately, schedule a task to run once, or create a recurring schedule for the task.
View scheduled tasks using a daily, weekly, or monthly calendar view, or an agenda view.
Use the calendar to keep track of task progress and results, and rerun failed tasks.
Designate a script or package as a favorite, for ease of use.
See also