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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Try this—Assess the security of your site

  • Last updated on

Sites are enrolled in security assessment automatically when they are created.

View your Site’s Security Score

When a site is first added, it may take up to two hours to be scored. Once the site is assessed, you can visit the Site Security Dashboard to see the score your site has earned.

View the results of the Site Security Assessment
  1. Two hours or longer after adding a site, in Service Center, click Dashboards > Site Security Dashboard.

    Site Security Dashboard.jpg

    The Site Security Dashboard shows an overview of your site’s security scores, both the overall combined score and the individual category scores. For more information, click a site name.

  2. Click the name of the site that you added.

    Site Security Overview.jpg

    On the Site Security Overview page, you can see more details of your scores, including the historical trend of your scores—whether the security score of any category is going up or down.
    For now, the trend graphs on this page do not provide historical information, since you just added the site to the Site Security Assessment. As time passes, you can see your site’s history.
    The colors of the category boxes let you identify at a glance which categories are at more risk than others. Green categories are at less risk than yellow and orange categories, while red categories are at the most risk. To customize the default colors and score ranges, click Configuration > Site Security, then click the Modify button.

  3. Click the Patch Security box.

    Patch Security Overview.jpg

    The details page for the Patch Security category is displayed. On this page, you can see the details of the individual tests in this category and the score your site earned for each test.
    The impact of each test—how much it lowers your score in the category— is displayed as a colored bar on the right of the page, next to the test.
    Site Security Assessments are customizable globally and by individual site.
    You can customize:

    • The colors of category boxes

    • The score ranges for colors

    • The criteria of certain tests

    • Which tests are included in an assessment

For more information, see Assessing Site Security

Seeing details of a test in a Site Security Assessment
  • Click the arrow next to any test to see:

    • A description of the test

    • The number of devices at risk, if applicable

    • The impact of test failure

    • The countermeasure you can take to improve your score

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