When you integrate the ServiceNow Service Desk integration, you choose between two ticket management modes that determine what happens in ServiceNow when a ticket is created in Barracuda RMM. They are:
Ticket to Incident mode (default)
Event Management mode
Ticket to Incident mode is the default that most users will want to use, as it relates Barracuda RMM tickets to ServiceNow incidents directly. Event Management mode is available for users who have the additional ServiceNow Event Management module.
Ticket to Incident Mode
The Ticket to Incident mode relates Barracuda RMM tickets directly to ServiceNow incidents. This means that creating a ticket in Barracuda RMM creates an incident in ServiceNow and updating the Barracuda RMM ticket updates the ServiceNow incident.
Ticket to Incident mode has to be configured after the Service Desk install. See Configuring Ticket to Incident Mode.

The graphic above represents what happens when a ticket is created in Barracuda RMM with the ServiceNow service desk integration in Ticket to Incident mode.
When a Barracuda RMM ticket (1) is created, a ServiceNow Incident (3) is created. Unlike Event Management mode, no event is created (2).

The graphic above represents what happens when an incident is updated in ServiceNow with the ServiceNow service desk integration in Ticket to Incident mode.
When an incident is updated or closed in ServiceNow (1), the ticket is also updated or closed in Barracuda RMM automatically (2).
Event Management for Ticket Updates
In Event Management mode, Barracuda RMM tickets create ServiceNow events. These events are handled like other ServiceNow events, creating alerts and incidents when appropriate.

The graphic above represents what happens when a Ticket is created in Barracuda RMM with the ServiceNow service desk integration.
When a Barracuda RMM ticket (1) is created, a ServiceNow Event (2) is also created.
That Event is fully managed by ServiceNow and is treated like any other Event, controlled by the workflow that is set up in ServiceNow (3).
Custom Ticket Statuses
When using a ServiceNow integration, custom ticket statuses are not available.