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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Working with VSC Blueprints

  • Last updated on

Working with VSC Blueprints

The Virtual Service Center (VSC) blueprint feature allows you to create one or more pre-configured VSC definitions that are used during the creation of new VARs. As well a default blueprint may be set so new VAR creation will default to use a blueprint.

You can use VSC blueprints to pre-configure VSCs for MSPs, for example. You can define the blueprint by:

  • Importing policy modules

  • Creating service groups

  • Adding additional scripts

  • Creating report categories

  • Importing reports

  • Creating new user roles

  • Modifying user permissions on existing roles

  • Assigning policy modules to service groups

You can

VARs can only inherit a blueprint’s properties at the time the VAR is created and will use the current definition of the blueprint at that point in time. Subsequent changes to a blueprint will not automatically propagate to its applied VARS, but only to the new VARs created after those changes have been made. The Applied VARs section can be used to add scripts, policy modules and reports to the VARs that may have been created with an older version of the blueprint. This will help them remain in sync with the current blueprint definition should it change over time.

Creating VSC Blueprints
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the VSC Blueprints window, click Create.

  3. Type a Name and Description in the boxes.

  4. If SQL credentials are required, enter the user name and password.

  5. Click Create.

Setting a VSC Blueprint as the Default
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. Select the corresponding check box for the blueprint you want to set as the default.

  3. From the More Actions list, select Set as Default Blueprint.

Creating a New VSC and Associating it with a VSC Blueprint

When creating a new Virtual Service Center (VSC), you can select which VSC blueprint to use to create the new VSC.

  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Status > VAR Dashboard.

  2. In the VAR Dashboard window, click Add New VAR.

  3. In the Add VAR dialog box, enter the VAR Company Name.
    This is how the VAR is labeled in the Hosted Console Dashboard.

  4. Enter the VAR Domain.
    This is used to distinguish between each VAR on the login page and database, and it must be provided to the VAR in order for them to access their Service Center.

  5. Enter the VAR Code.
    This is used to track VAR licensing.

  6. Enter identifying information for the VAR in the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email Address boxes.

  7. Enter address information for the VAR in the Street, P.O. Box (if required), City, State/Province, Country, Postal/ZIP Code boxes.

  8. Enter the User Name and initial Password for the Admin user that is created with the Virtual Service Center.

  9. In the VAR Settings section, select the VSC Blueprint for the VAR.
    The Host name or IP of the database server is pre-populated based on the database server specified during installation. By default, the SQL Authentication User Name and Password boxes are populated with the credentials that were used during installation. Different credentials can be specified by entering the information into the SQL User Name and Password boxes.

  10. Select the server where the Virtual Service Center will be created from the Application Server list.

  11. Select the process where the Virtual Service Center will be created from the Worker Process list and click Save.
    You can add a new worker process to host the VAR by selecting Add New Process.

The Add New VAR UI's Application Server and Worker Process list will automatically have Application Server and Worker Process selected that has the lightest load, but you can override this by making another selection.

To edit the details of an existing VAR, see VAR Configuration.

Viewing VSC Blueprints and their Associated VSCs

You can see a list of the VSC blueprints that have been created and their associated VSCs.

  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
    The VSC Blueprints window opens and all the blueprints that have been created appear in the table.

  2. Click a blueprint name.
    The VSC Blueprints Editor window opens and in the Applied VARs section, you can see the VSCs that are associated with the blueprint.

VSC blueprints display in the language of the default admin user. If this is not the language you prefer, you can change the language in User Management. You must then save the blueprint for this change to take effect.

Viewing VSC Blueprint Definition Details

You can see how a VSC blueprint is defined by clicking a VSC blueprint in the VSC Blueprints window. This will open the VSC Blueprint Editor window where you can click a tab at the top of the window (Policies, Groups, Scripts, Report Categories, Reports, Roles, or Users) to see the definition details for the item.

Modifying a VSC Blueprint Name or Description
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the blueprint list, click the VSC blueprint for which you want to modify the name or description.

  3. In the Summary section, click Modify.

  4. Type a new Name or Description in the boxes.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting VSC Blueprints

You can only delete a VSC blueprint if no VSCs are associated with it.

  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. Select the check box that corresponds with the VSC blueprint you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK.