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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Defining Groups for a VSC Blueprint

  • Last updated on

For more information about defining groups, see the following topics:

Setting Up Groups

You can use the Group Configuration window to create service groups.

To access the Group Configuration window
  • In the main menu, click Configuration > Groups.

Service groups are used to organize devices by the function or role of the devices. Devices and sites cannot be added to service groups in a VSC Blueprint. Service groups will appear on the VAR's Central Dashboard under the group folder to which the service group belongs. Group folders can be used as logical containers for multiple service groups. For example, an Applications group folder can be created to contain IIS and Exchange service groups.

Groups allow VARs to easily manage a large number of devices by applying Policy Modules and Windows Update Agent Policies to multiple devices at one time. Applying Windows Update Agent Policies is not applicable to VSC Blueprints.

To create groups, see Creating Service Groups. To remove a group, see Deleting Groups.

Creating Service Groups
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint in which you want to create a service group.

  3. Click the Groups tab.

  4. In the Browse By box at the top of the window, select the Service Groups option button.

  5. Depending on what type of group you are creating, click Add Service Group.

  6. From the Group Folder list, select a group folder to contain the service group. If you want to create a new group folder, select the Other check box and in the box that appears, type a name for the new group folder.

  7. In the Group Name box, type a name for the group and if desired, type a description of the group in the Group Description box.

  8. Click Addand Configure.

  9. Click the Name tab. The group name and description you just entered appear in the Group Identification section.

  10. In the Policy Modules Applied to Group section, do the following:

    1. Click Apply Policy Module. The Policy Module list appears.

    2. From the Policy Module list, select a policy module to apply to the group.

    3. Click Apply. The policy module now appears in the Policy Modules Applied to Group list.

    4. Repeat this step until all required policy modules are applied to the group.

  11. Click Add.


  • Site groups are not applicable to VSC Blueprints because no sites are present in a blueprint.

  • The Group Configuration UI has a Devices tab; however, this is not applicable to VSC Blueprints.

Deleting Groups
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint that has the service group you want to delete.

  3. Click the Groups tab.

  4. Select the Service Groups option button.

  5. In the list, click the Delete button that corresponds with the group you want to delete. A confirmation dialog box will appear.

  6. Click OK.