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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Defining Reports for a VSC Blueprint

  • Last updated on

For information about defining reports, see the following topic:

The Reports window lists all currently configured reports that are available and can be edited from this location. Additional reports can be created or imported and advanced reporting can be configured from this window as well.

The View list may be used to change how the reports are presented. Grouped View has reports with the same report category grouped, and Single View lists the reports individually.

The following information is presented in both views, with Single View offering the ability to sort the table in ascending or descending order by clicking a column header.




The title of the report.


The assigned report category.


Site or Device (see Types of Reports).


The defined description of the report.


Whether or not the report was predefined.

Predefined Reports cannot be edited.


The preview is not applicable to VSC Blueprints since there are no devices, sites or reportable data.

Types of Reports

There are two types of reports that are used in Barracuda RMM:

  • Site Reports Provides information about a site.

  • Device Reports Provides information about devices at various sites.

Creating Reports

New reports may be designed using the Report Creator. Each report will contain sections and section contents, which are determined when a report is created.

If you are familiar with SQL Reporting Services, you can use it to do custom reporting against the database, but any new reports that are created should not be imported to run or be viewed. It is possible to copy the .RDL files for the predefined reports to use these as a base, but it is vital that the reports not be imported back if you choose to do so.

  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint for which you want to add a report.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

  4. Click Add Report.

  5. Click the Properties tab.

  6. Type a Name and Description for the report in the corresponding boxes.

  7. Select a category for the report from the Category list.

  8. Select either the Site or Device option button to define the type of

  9. In the Logo section, select one of the following option buttons:

    • No Image

    • Existing Image

    • New Image

  10. If you selected:

    • Existing Image, select the image from the list.

    • New Image, click Browse. In the Choose File dialog box that appears, locate the new image file and click Open.

  11. Click the Content tab.

  12. In the Report Sections area, select the check boxes that correspond with the sections you want to include in the report.

  13. For each selected section, select the check boxes that correspond with the desired section content. (This is on the right side of the window.)

Remember that when creating reports you should only request the data that is relevant to the report's intended audience. The more items chosen from the report selectors for a report, the longer it will take to generate the report. This is especially true when reporting on Patch Management items, where there are a great number of filtering options and patches, performance can be less than optimal depending on how much data is being parsed.

Importing Reports from a File
  1. Save the .ZIP file to an accessible location.

  2. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

  4. Click Import From File.

  5. Click Browse.

  6. Browse to the .ZIP file and select it.

  7. Click Open to populate the path.

  8. Click Import.

  9. Click Close.

The report will now appear in the Report Categories section under the defined category or under (Uncategorized) if no category has been defined. The report is also added to the report library within Service Center.

Importing Reports from the Library
  1. In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.

  2. In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint for which you want to import a report from the library.

  3. Click the Reports tab.

  4. Click Import From Library.

  5. From the list, select the report you want to import.

  6. Click Import.

The report will now appear in the Reports listing under the defined category or under (Uncategorized) if no category has been defined.