For information about defining scripts, see the following topics:
The Scripts and Executables window displays the list of currently available scripts and executables that may be deployed. By default there are maintenance scripts automatically populated with Barracuda RMM. Note that for VSC Blueprints there will not be any devices on which to execute the scripts.
The Scripts and Executables window defaults to a Grouped View where the Scripts are organized by intended use. This can be changed to Single View, where the Scripts are displayed in a sortable listing.
To navigate to the Scripts and Executables view
In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint you want to work with.
Click the Scripts tab.
To view a list of script, clear the Group by Category check box.
The following information is displayed for each script. The Category only appears when using Single View.
Adding Scripts
In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint to which you want to add a script.
Click the Scripts tab.
Click Add.
In the Name box, type a name for the script.
Click Browse and locate the script file or .ZIP file, and then click Open.
If the script file you added was a compressed file (such as a .ZIP), then select the starting file from the Starting File list.
The starting file in the .ZIP file must be at the root level of the .ZIP file and have a file extension that is recognized by Barracuda RMM. This is done to protect against trying to run files with unknown file types that may cause the task to hang.Select a category from the list or type a new one.
Script categories allow for easier organization of scripts. A category can be created by typing in a new name. If you type a new name, Barracuda RMM creates a new category.In the Version box, type a number.
Versions for scripts must be in the form of <num>.<num>.<num>.<num>, though only a single number is required.In the Minimum MW Version box, type the version of Barracuda RMM that this script supports.
By default, the Minimum MW Version is not automatically populated with the current version of Service Center, but this is usually the value you want to enter. If you need to specify that it only works with the current version, type 6.2. If this is done, the script will be sent to Onsite Managers that are not the specified version number but will stay in a state of "Pending Upgrade" until Onsite Manager is upgraded or the schedule expires. Note however, that they can be assigned to devices on older Onsite Managers. If this is done, the script will be run on the device when Onsite Manager is upgraded, unless the execution time is in the past and the retry period has expired.
You can locate Barracuda RMM build numbers in the correct format under Help > About.
When there is a new version of a script, Onsite Manager checks the file version and determines whether to download the file from Service Center.In the Author box, type the author name.
In the Description box, type a description.
This description is shown to users when they create tasks for the script. It is a good idea to describe how to use any parameters for the script.If you want the script to run on Onsite Manager, select the Run on Onsite Manager check box.
If the script must run without another restricted script running, select the Restricted check box.
If the script requires parameters at run-time click Add Parameter and do the following:
To set a parameter for a script as optional, select the Optional check box.
To set a parameter for a script as required, ensure the Optional check box is cleared.
To identify this parameter as unique, in the Key box, type a unique identifier. This key is the key expected by the script.
To set a label for a script parameter, type a label in the Label box. You can prefix the parameter label with a number, for example, to display them in the desired order.
To set the type for a script parameter, select either String, Integer, or File.
If you selected String, to set the length for a script parameter, type a length in the Length box.
If you selected Integer, to set the minimum and maximum for a script parameter, type a minimum and maximum in the appropriate boxes.
If you selected String or Integer, to set a default for a script parameter, type a default in the Default box.
NOTE To delete a parameter for a script, click the trash can beside the parameter you want to delete.
Click Save.
The script is now ready to be used in a task.In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint from which you want to remove a script.
Click the Scripts tab.
Importing a Script or Automation Package
You can import a Barracuda RMM Script (an .MWS) file into Barracuda RMM. When you import an .MWS file, it includes all the meta data for the script.
When a script is imported, its category is added to the system, if it doesn’t already exist.
Version checking is performed when importing a script that is already on the system. You are warned if you attempt to import an older version of the script than is present on the system.
In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint to which you want to import a script.
Click the Automation tab.
Click Import.
Click Browse and locate the script to import, and then click Open.
Click OK.
Exporting a Script or Automation Package
When you export a script or automation package, information from the scripts are stored in an .MWS file along with all required script files. The file contains the original script file or files (or .ZIP file) along with an .XML file that contains the meta data for the script. By doing this, if the script is imported into another system, the meta data is preserved.
In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint from which you want to remove a script.
Click the Automation tab.
Select the check box beside the name of the script or automation package that you want to export.
Click Export.
Click Save and specify a location.
Click Save.
Deleting a Script
Any tasks using the deleted script will be deleted, unless they are currently running. If Onsite Manager already has the file, then it will be able to run. If it doesn't, then the task fails.
Deleting a script has no impact on historical information.
In the Hosted Console website, click Configuration > VSC Blueprints.
In the Blueprints list, click the blueprint from which you want to remove a script.
Click the Automation tab.
Select the check box beside the name of the script that you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click OK.
For more information about creating script jobs, see Running Scripts.