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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Barracuda RMM Contract Information

  • Last updated on

The Account Summary page provides an overall view of your Barracuda RMM account, allowing you to view the usage you are entitled to versus your actual usage.

Barracuda RMM license models are device-based, in which you purchase the number of devices that you are entitled to manage. Devices are categorized as either servers or other devices, which includes:

  • desktops

  • virtual machines

  • printers, etc.

You can use the Account Summary page to quickly see if you are approaching your contract limit in terms of:

  • how many devices you still are entitled to manage

  • how many you are currently managing

  • the number of seats of our services you have purchased and are currently using

The following symbols indicate the status of your entitlement for each service:


The service usage is within the agreed contract limits.


The service usage is over the agreed contract limits.


The service is in a trial period.

To update your contract, or upgrade a trial version to a full version, contact your sales representative.

To view contract usage and entitlement

  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Account Summary.

  2. In the Barracuda RMM section, see:

    • The number of servers in use.

    • The number of devices in use.

    • Your Service Center license key.

  3. In the BRMM Antivirus section, see:

    • The number of seats (devices) using Avast Business Antivirus.

    • The number of Avast Business Antivirus licenses available.

  4. In the Advanced Software Management section, see:

    • The number of seats (devices) that have been patched using Advanced Software Management starting the first day of the month.

  • Antivirus Seats In Use includes licenses for devices in sites that are on hold.

  • If you have multiple contracts, some of which are the legacy site-based model, the Account Summary page may show that your usage is over your entitlement for Barracuda RMM. This imbalance is corrected when you update to the new device-based licensing model.