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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Details about a Virtual Machine

  • Last updated on

Data about virtualized environments is collected and presented on the Device Overview page. If the device hosts virtual machines, or is a guest virtual machine, then a Virtual Machine section is visible.

You can:

  • Determine whether a device is a virtual machine, or hosts virtual machines.

  • View the type of virtualization software being used, including version and edition.

  • For host machines, view the number of guest machines being hosted.

  • For virtual machines, view the running state, number of virtual processors, configured memory and storage space configured.

For host machines, you can drill down to view details about the guest virtual machines hosted on that device.

To have a hyperlink associating the host and guest machines by name, the machines must be part of the same scan range and managed by the same Onsite Manager. If the host and guest machines are Device Managers or managed by different Onsite Managers, then the guest machines may be detected, but there is no link to view details about the guest machines.

To view virtual machine details

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Devices.

  2. Click a device name.
    To filter the list of devices to display virtual machines, from the Device Role list, select VM Guest.

  3. In the Virtual Machine area, view the following information:

    • Host machine name

    • VM software type

    • Software version

    • Running state

    • Number of virtual processors

    • Configured memory

    • Storage space configured

To view host machine details

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Devices.
    To filter the list of devices to display host machines, from the Device Role list, select VM Host.

  2. Click a device name.

  3. In the Virtual Machine - Host area, view the following information:

    • VM software type

    • Software version

    • Software edition

    • Guest count
      The information available to view depends on the virtualization software.

To view details about guest machines

You can view information about the guest virtual machines on a host machine. The Device Overview page for a host machine displays a guest count that includes both monitored and unmonitored guest machines.

You can drill to details about the guest machines to display further information on the Virtual Machines page:

  • If a guest machine is monitored, you can click the computer name link to open the Device Overview page.

  • If a guest machine is not monitored, then no link is available but you can still view information including:

    • Computer name

    • State

    • Number of processors

    • Memory usage

    • Operating system

    • Disk space

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Devices.

  2. Click a device name.
    To filter the list of devices to display host machines, from the Device Role list, select VM Host.

  3. In the Virtual Machines - Host area, click the Guest Count number link.

  4. Optionally, click the name of a monitored guest machine to view details.