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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Down Devices

  • Last updated on

A down device is one that is unreachable and not responding to ICMP ECHO  or other monitoring protocols, such as ARP  cache retrievals. The device may be booted and online, but something is preventing a response. If the device is responding to ARP  only, it is indicated with an asterisk.

redArrowDown.gif  Device Down icon

red_arrow_down_asterisk.jpg  Device Down icon - responding to ARP but not ICMP ECHO or any  other discovery protocol

When a device is not responding to the Onsite Manager discovery scan or Device Manager is down, Service Center continues to keep full asset, description, and addressing information for the device until the specified interval triggers the next clean-up.

Even though a device may be down, you may not want to delete the device.

What You Can Do

To ensure that the information you see in the dashboards and reports is fresh and accurate, you can


  • For customers that have transient systems periodically introduced to the environment by contractors, consultants, auditors, or other external business partners, you can tag these devices as visitors so that they are not confused with maintenance opportunities. To avoid these devices from showing up at all, configure a separate, unmonitored DHCP scope for visitors' equipment by using a wireless router.

  • Devices that are monitored by a Device Manager agent must have the agent uninstalled before they can be deleted.

See Also