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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Viewing Wi-Fi Network Details

  • Last updated on

To let you assess the security of the Wi-Fi networks easily, you can view information on Wi-Fi networks from any of the Wi-Fi tests in the Network Security category of the Site Security Assessment. Data is collected for Wi-Fi networks that have been used by any device that belongs to a site being assessed by a Site Security Assessment, both your own internal Wi-Fi networks and public networks such as the user's home Wi-Fi network or the network in a coffee shop.

The Wi-Fi Networks displayed are the ones with WLAN profiles that can be found on managed devices. WLAN profiles are saved to devices when users choose to connect to Wi-Fi networks automatically. WLAN profiles that have been deleted from a device are not assessed.

When you first add a site to the Site Security Assessment, full details on the Wi-Fi networks won't display until Site Security Assessment runs for the first time.

You can export the Wi-Fi network details table to Microsoft Excel format at any time.

This following data is collected for any Wi-Fi network that a device has connected to in the last seven days:

  • SSID

  • Authentication type used

  • Encryption type used

  • Password policy requirements: length, special characters, numbers, and mixed case

You can also view which devices connected to the network.

If a test or category is removed from a custom Security Schema, that test or category isn't displayed on the Dashboard or Details pages.

To View Wi-Fi Network Security Assessment Details from the Site Security Dashboard

  1. In Service Center, click Dashboards > Site Security Dashboard.

  2. Click a site link.

  3. Click the number in the Network Security box.

  4. Click the arrow next to one of the Wi-Fi tests.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Click the SSID Test Result link.

    • For a test with a score below 100%, click the number link in the Wi-Fi networks at risk section, then click the network name. If you do this option, when the Wi-Fi Networks page opens, the Wi-Fi network with the name you clicked is highlighted.

To View Wi-Fi Network Security Assessment Details from the Central Dashboard

If you have added a site to the Site Security Assessment, information on Wi-Fi networks accessed by devices in that site is available on that site's Central Dashboard.

  1. In Service Center, click Dashboards > Central Dashboard.

  2. Click a site link.

  3. Click Wi-Fi Networks on the right sidebar.

To View Which Devices Connected to a Wi-Fi Network
  1. Follow one of these procedures:

  2. Click the TableArrow.jpg button next to the SSID of the Wi-Fi network you want to expand.

To Sort the Wi-Fi Network Table
  1. On the Wi-Fi Networks page, click one of the column headers.

  2. Click the table sorting arrow (TableSortDown.jpg TableSortUp.jpg ) in the column header.

To Go the Overview page for a Device from the Wi-Fi Networks Table
  1. On the Wi-Fi Networks page, click the TableArrow.jpg button next to the SSID of the Wi-Fi network you want to expand.

  2. Click a device link in the list.

To Export Wi-Fi Network Security Assessment Details to Microsoft Excel
  1. Follow one of these procedures:

  2. Click Export, then click Excel.