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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Integrating Barracuda Content Shield

  • Last updated on

See the topics below for detailed information :

  • Integrating Barracuda Content Shield

  • To link the built-in administrator for a Barracuda Content Shield Integration

  • To map a site to an account and a location for a Barracuda Content Shield Integration

  • To change the Barracuda Content Shield account or location a site is mapped to

  • To disable a Barracuda Content Shield integration

  • To remove a Barracuda Content Shield integration

Integrating Barracuda Content Shield

If a Barracuda Cloud Control account has Multi-Factor Authentication configured, you must provide the valid verification code.

You can set up one Barracuda Content Shield integration per VAR.

Only the built-in admin user can integrate with Barracuda Content Shield.

On the User Management page, users who are linked to a BCC user have a check mark blue checkmark.png in the Link to BCC User column of the user table.

If you want to remove the BCC user link from the admin user, for security reasons, you must provide the BCC user's email as part of the confirmation process.

To set up the integration, you must:

Once you have integrated Barracuda Content Shield, you may want to start using a Barracuda Content Shield policy to set up alerts. For more information, see Creating Barracuda Content Shield Policies.

To link the built-in administrator for a Barracuda Content Shield Integration
  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Users & Roles > User Management.

  2. Click the link of the built-in administrator.

  3. Click the Link to BCC user button.

  4. Type the email address of the BCC user account.

  5. Type the password of the BCC user account.

  6. Click Link.

  7. Click Save.

To map a site to an account and a location for a Barracuda Content Shield Integration
  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Integrations > Barracuda Integrations.

  2. Click a site link.

  3. In BCC Customer, select the account you want to link to the site.

  4. If you select a customer that is not associated with any Content Shield locations, you cannot link a location.

  5. Click the Content Shield check box.

  6. In Select the Barracuda Content Shield location to map to the site, select a Content Shield location and click Save.

  7. Click Save.

To change the Barracuda Content Shield account or location a site is mapped to
  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > Integrations > Barracuda Integrations.

  2. Click a site link.

  3. In BCC Customer, select the account you want to link to the site.

  4. In Choose the Content Shield Location to Map, select a Content Shield location and click Save.

  5. Click Save.

To disable a Barracuda Content Shield integration

If you disable a Barracuda Content Shield integration, you can enable it again without having to link to a Barracuda Cloud Control account or mapping the site to an account and location.

To remove the integration instead, see To remove a Barracuda Content Shield integration below.

  1. In Service Center, click Configuration >Integrations > Barracuda Integrations.

  2. Click a site link.

  3. Clear the Integrate check box.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Save.

To remove a Barracuda Content Shield integration

If you remove your current Barracuda Content Shield integration, you can re-integrate it at any time. However, Barracuda RMM will no longer display integration data, such as BCC customers, Content Shield locations, report data, and weblogs.

You can also disable a Barracuda Content Shield integration temporarily, so Barracuda RMM does not display data. Unlike removing an integration, a disabled integration does not have to be re-integrated with a user account if you decide to enable the integration again. See To Disable a Barracuda Content Shield Integration above.

  1. In Service Center, click Configuration > User Management.

  2. Click the link of the built-in administrator.

  3. In the BCC User area, click Unlink.

  4. To confirm the removal, type the email address associated with the Barracuda Cloud Control user.

  5. Click Unlink.

  6. Click Save.