A script to deploy Barracuda Content Shield Plus to Windows devices is available from the Barracuda RMM Automation Library. To use this script, you need an active subscription to Barracuda Content Shield Plus.
Before running the script, you need to download the Account Configuration file and the Current Windows Agent from your current Barracuda Content Shield site.
To Download Account Configuration file and Current Content Shield Windows Agent
Use a Web Browser to navigate to your Barracuda Content Shield dashboard.
In the top menu bar, click Accounts.
In the Accounts section, click the Manage button next to the account you want to link.
In the left navigation menu, click Downloads
In the Deploy Agent area, click Account Configuration File.
In the Current Agent Version area, next to Windows Agent, click Download and save the file in the same location as the Account Configuration file.
To Execute the Barracuda Content Shield Plus Deployment Script
In Service Center, click Automation > Calendar.
Do one of the following:
Click Run Now to run the task immediately.
Click Schedule to run the task at a future time.
In Choose what to execute, click (Item from library).
In Choose an item by name, start typing Deploy BCS+ Agent , and click the Deploy BCS+ Agent script when it appears.
Next to Installer Executable, click Browse and navigate to the location of the BarracudaContentShieldSetup executable.
Next to Account Configuration Key, click Browse and navigate to the location of the bcs.key file.
If required, select your Target Devices.
If required, select your Target Groups.
If required, complete the Schedule.
If required, click Show Advanced Configuration and select your advanced options.
Do one of the following:
Click Schedule.
Click Run Now.